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In the room with jikook

Jungkooks pov


huff and stop banging on the door and I slide down it with my arms crossed. I look at jimin who was sat on the bed.
I look down "do we really argue that much?" He nods "well....we have had some disagreements lately...."

I stand up and then walk to the window "I guess we should talk then...." He sighs "yeah....I guess we should"
I turn to him and then walk and sit next to him on the bed "jimin.....what if we aren't meant for one another?"

He looks at me "what?..." I look away "what if we are only meant to be friends?.....what if....we aren't meant to be more than that?" He looks down "please don't say that....."

I gasp when he starts to cry. I turn to him "whoa....why are you crying?", He looks at me "I don't want to lose you jungkook" I smile a little "you're crying because you don't want to lose me???", He nods and then leans his head on my shoulder "please don't talk like that jungkook....I don't want to lose you! I don't want to be just friends!....I love you....please please don't leave me"

I wrap my arms around him and then lean against the headboard of the bed, he lays in between my legs with his head on my chest still crying "I can't lose you jungkook.....not again" I kiss his head "it'll be okay jimin...."
He looks at me "no jungkook, promise me I won't lose you!"

Tears start to roll down my cheeks "I can't promise that jimin.....I'm sorry" he shakes his head and grips my shirt tightly still crying "please..... don't leave me jungkook....I'll be better! Please"
I play with his hair "it's not your fault I'm like this jimin.....you deserve better than me....."

I gasp when he switches out position so I'm pinned to the bed with him on top of me. His tears fall down onto my face and he cries more "no!! I don't deserve better than you!! I don't deserve you! But please jungkook!! I can't fucking lose you! Not again please!!"

I look up at him, he has tears rolling down his cheeks fastly.
I bite my lip and put my hands on his cheeks "don't cry jimin.... it's alright.....but I think....this is what we have to do.....we are risking the band falling apart because we keep arguing..."

He shakes his head "no! We will get better! Please jungkook..... please baby....I'll do anything" tears roll down my cheeks, I wipe his tears and sigh "Everything comes to an end jimin" he shakes his head again "no! This doesn't have to! We need to talk our disagreements out!"

I gently push him off of me and stand up off the bed "the band needs us all to be focused....being in a relationship won't help that.....I really do love you jimin....but we aren't meant to be...",
I hear the door unlock and open a little. I open it to see the others all stood there.

I look back at jimin who was sat on the bed crying. Tears roll down my cheeks. I look down "i-im going out...." Jin goes to say something but I walk past them and out the house.

I can't believe I just did that.....I'm such a bad person........
But if jimin continues to go out with me and if the fans find out again....he will get hate......
I can't let him get hate because of me....
This is the right thing to do.....


Jimins pov

I cover my face and cry. I feel the others sit down next to me. Yoongi hugs me "hey calm down chim" I grip his shirt "I lost him hyung.....I've lost the one person in my life I actually trusted and loved...not only did I lose a boyfriend....I've lost a childhood friend.....all because he is worried about what the fans will think!"

Namjoon looks down "that's my fault.....I told him to think about the band.....it's all my fault" I look at him "what?" Namjoon nods "I told him to think of the fans, he was so happy when you two got together....he was ready to tell everyone straight away....so me being me....I reminded him of the fans and told him some might not like the relationship...."

My eyes widen "you told him to break up with me?!" Jin glares at me "of course he didn't! He was being a good leader jimin! Don't fucking blame him!"
Hoseok sighs "guys....please stop arguing..."
More tears fall down my cheeks "I've lost him hoseok!!! I've lost my baby bunny!! The one person other than Hana who I could love unconditionally!! The one person who listened to all my problems and understood me!!! He never judged me!!!! And it's all namjoons fault!!!"

Taehyung sighs "jimin seriously calm down....Joon was only looking out for the band" I glare at them all "none of you know what it's like to lose this! I've lost my boyfriend and my childhood friend! And after Hana finds out she is going to be broken!!! just leave me the fuck alone!"

Yoongi looks at the others "go on guys...I'll be out in a second" the others all sigh and walk out.
Yoongi crosses his arms "and here I was thinking you were the dom in the relationship"
I scoff "what the fuck has that got to do with anything?"

Yoongi smirks "any dom wouldn't let their baby walk out the door", I look down "I can't force him to stay with me hyung.....he is just too focused on what others will think....if he thinks we have to hide out relationship then what's the point of it anyway?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes "seriously jimin....I know it hurts and it will until you do something about it..... jungkook is scared of what the fans will think....jimin....he got death threats because you two were together of course he is going to be scared! Just show him that you two are meant to be with eachother....look....he is right.... everything comes to an end....but if the ending is sad or if the ending hurts....then that's not the real ending...."

I look at him "but he doesn't want to be with me anymore" yoongi slaps the back of my head "yes he does....jesus jimin you dumb fuck....that boy adores you....but like I said...he is scared and worried because he has gotten so much hate and so many death threats from you fans because you two were together....you need to show him that it doesn't matter what the fans think....it's yours and his life.....the fans arent in charge of us jimin....we are our own people....now go find your bunny"

I sigh and wipe my tears "what if he pushes me away?" Yoongi sighs "then continue pushing back....but be the bigger man and don't push too hard....let him know you're there for him....don't let him go jimin...."
I nod and then stand up grabbing my jacket "can you all come help me find him?" Yoongi chuckles and nods "alright"
We all get ready and walk out the house.

I just don't understand.....we were fine yesterday when we were with Hana and now suddenly he's left me........
Is this the right thing to do?
What if he is right???? What if we aren't meant to be a couple.........

I don't know what to do anymore......
It hurts........

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now