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Jungkooks pov

I jump out the car when we arrive back home. I then run into my house and slam the door and slide down it with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I bring my knees to my chest and look down "why can't I just be happy...." I jump a little when there is a knock on my door.
I stand up and wipe my eyes quickly.

I take a deep breath and open the door. My eyes widen.
"I-irene...." She walks in and smiles "one coffee please" I shake my head "no? You barged into my ho-"
She grabs the collar of my hoodie and smirks "you will do as I say, you know why? Because if you don't I won't ever let you see jimin again....you will lose everything you know.... you're disgusting and pathetic"

She chucks me onto the floor and laughs "see? You don't even fight back...you may have tattoos now....but you're still weak and pathetic....see ya!"
She walks out leaving me led on the floor.

Tears roll down my cheeks....it would be better if I never see jimin again anyway.....
I gasp a little when someone else walks in. Followed by taehyungs voice "whoa....the fuck?.....you dead?" He pokes my arm. I stand up quickly making him jump and I hug him tightly and cry on his shoulder.

His eyes widen and he hugs back rubbing my back "whoa....what's wrong?? I came to visit jimin and I saw your door open....what happened?" I look at him "i-irene..." Taehyung tilts his head "she left years ago"

I nod and more tears fall "she's jimins wife....they have a daughter Together" his eyes widen "he what?! He hated her!" I nod "I guess he DID....but I guess he's a liar...."
Taehyung sighs "I'm so sorry Kookie....you must be in so much pain....why don't I come back over later and we'll cuddle up and watch a movie?"

I shake my head "no it's okay....but can you give this to jimin?" I hand him a bag with jimins things in it, including photos of me and Jimin and everything to do with our friendship.
Taehyung nods "of course but-"

He gets cut off by jimins voice "TAEHYUNG!" He looks back at me. I smile "go on....I'm sure he missed you a lot...say hi from me" I push him out the house and close the door and lock it.

It's best that I don't see jimin....that way I can't be hurt.....right?

I walk up to my room and change into my pajamas

I walk up to my room and change into my pajamas

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Jimin actually bought me these....he said they'd suit be because of my feminine body and my 'cute' personality as he called it.

I feel like the tattoos ruin it though....I open my curtains and gasp a little when I see jimins daughter looking at me. I look at her and she waves. I smile and wave back but my smile fades when jimin walks into the room.
I quickly shut the curtains and sit on my desk chair.

Hana was his daughter's name.... she's so adorable....just like jimin....

Jimins pov

I smile Seeing taehyung inside Jungkooks house "TAEHYUNG!" He looks at me and then back at who I assume is Jungkook. A few moments later and someone pushes taehyung out and closes the door.

Taehyung sighs and walks over "chim! You're home! Finally!" I nod "yeah! Sorry I didn't stay in contact....oh! Tae this is my daughter Hana....and wife you know.... Irene"

Taehyung nods and then holds out a bag "here's the things from Jungkook....he assumed you'd want them back..." I tilt my head "he stole my things?"
My mum walks over "no....I gave them to him....he was so broken when you left.... crying every night....he would even come and stay in your room....you two were inseparable....he needed your scent to get to sleep"

I hear Irene scoff "that's just creepy"
Taehyung glares at her "oh shut up, you-" I sigh "enough....Irene....he gave them back....don't panic..... taehyung don't be an asshole"
Taehyung tilts his head "really? IM the asshole?.....yeah alright... whatever....glad you're home jimin.....see you in class"

He walks away. I look down at the bag and my breath hitches seeing a photo

 I look down at the bag and my breath hitches seeing a photo

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I take it out the bag and hold it. Irene leans her head on my shoulder and then snatches the photo from me and giggles "what an ugly photo.... we'll use this and all the other photos to start a small fire....how about camp in the garden tonight?"

I hesitate and nod "uh.....okay"
I walk inside and walk up to my room. I open the door and out the corner of my eye I see jungkook stood at his window in gorgeous pajamas....wait....those are the ones I bought him.....he has so many tattoos now.

I see him wave to Hana and smile and then his eyes widen and he quickly shuts the curtains.
I walk over to Hana and put the bag down "what are you doing baby?" Hana looks at me "Appa.... who's over there?"

I sit down next to her and look out the window "my best- well....my old best friend.... jungkook....or Kookie is what I called him....we wrote to one another....wait....it might still be here"

I reach under my bed and pull my old notebook out and chuckle "yeah.... using this...." I flip through the pages remembering all the conversions we had.
Hana gasps "can I talk to him?" I shrug "if he'll answer..."

I grab some pen lids and open the window and Chuck them at Jungkooks window.
The curtains move a little and then open revealing Jungkook...
He's still as cute as ever.....

I hold up the notebook, he rolls his eyes and then walks to what I assume is his desk and then walks back and holds his up to.
I smile a little.
He hasn't changed at all.

I feel so bad..........I'm so sorry Kookie.....
I broke my promise to you....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now