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Jungkooks pov

I stare at the front of the school and sigh....I have to go in....I can't avoid this any longer....
I woke up this morning...and got dressed into my favourite outfit

I walk into school ((yes I dyed my hair pink))People stare at me, I hear whispers and I walk to my locker and open it

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I walk into school ((yes I dyed my hair pink))
People stare at me, I hear whispers and I walk to my locker and open it.

One girl gasps "that was jeon Jungkooks locker....wait....is that jungkook?"
I put my bag into my locker and take my books out and then roll my eyes when i hear Irene's voice "oi! Why is everyone silent?!.....oh.....a new kid!"

She taps my shoulder "hey! New kid! I'm Irene! Im-" i slam my locker shut and walk away.
Irene gasps "hey! I was talking to you!!" Momo tilts her head "maybe they're deaf???"

I stop walking and then take a deep breath and turn to face Irene. She gasps "jungkook?!" I nod "well done...you remembered me! Remember the ugly one? The one person who you made fun of?? The person's life you ruined?!"

She sighs "that was ages ago!" I nod "yeah no shit!....shouldn't you be with your boyfriend anyways? Not bothering other students?" She scoffs "you think cause you come back with pink hair that's gonna change anything?!"

I shake my head "no Irene! The thing that's gonna change is you're gonna stop picking on others! I'm done with being the ugly duckling in the school....I'm through with being treated like some rodent....now stay away from me...alright?"

I walk away and gasp and fall over when I bump into someone. I gulp and look up .

He holds his hand out, I hesitate but take it and he helps me up "you're back...." I nod "yeah...I got back yesterday..." He nods "I see...did you see the messages I sent you?"

I shake my head "no...I didn't...I went away to try and erase something....but it got worse....seeing your messages would've made it even worse...I'm happy to see you again jimin"

He goes to say something but I walk past him and to the art room where I see the art teacher. She looks at me "jungkook! My favourite student!, You're back!!" She hugs me. I nod and hug back "of course! I said I'd come back",

She steps back "are you still painting?" I nod "yep! I never stopped...my eomma said that I've gotten so much better...can I show you what I've done?",
She giggles "of course....but first....I think you have some people to say hello too"

I tilt my head and look up to see the jimin stood at the door. I look down "oh....I already said hello...".
She puts a hand on my back "talk to him jungkook..." I sigh "fine...."
Jimin walks in "you...you dropped this"

He hands me my half of our friendship necklace, I take it "thanks..." He looks down "I thought you were going to chuck it away..." I shake my head "I could never do that...." He grabs my hand and then puts the necklace on the my hand and then puts his half next to it making it a full heart.

I look at him and tilt my head, he doesn't look at me,I see tears rolling down his cheeks "I said we'd always come back to one another....no matter what.... remember?" He looks at me and then tried to cover his face to hide his tears and looks away

 remember?" He looks at me and then tried to cover his face to hide his tears and looks away

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He cries more "come back to me jungkook....be my best friend again...." I bite my lip and tear up.
I put the necklace down and move his hand From his face.

I wipe his tears and smile "do you remember what I said before....I'd always come back to you jimin....when you left for dance school....I said I'd be there waiting for you to return.... we'll always be best friends jimin.... Please dont cry... otherwise I'll start crying",

He looks at me "i don't deserve a best friend like you" I hug him, he hugs back and I let my tears leave my eyes.
I feel his tears dampen my shirt.

Eventually I pull away from the hug and I sit on the desk and wipe my tears "sorry miss..."
Miss smiles "you two catch up...I'll be back at break time alright?" We both nod.

She walks out. I look at jimin "so...still with Irene?" He sighs "sadly...before you left....she said to me....if I broke up with y
Her... she'd hurt you....and I couldn't let her do that...."
I tilt my head "jimin...If you're not happy in the relationship.... leave her....she can't hurt me anymore.... nothing she says will affect me"

He shakes his head "I won't let her treat you like a piece of shit jungkook! You don't deserve that! As long as we're best friends and you're smiling then it doesn't matter what I'm going through" I shake my head "that's not true....it matters to me...your happiness is more important"

He looks down and sighs "i can't break up with her.... she'll hurt you...I won't let her....I'm sorry jungkook" he stands up and walks out the room leaving me alone

He's staying in the relationship because he doesn't want me hurt.....
I'm so sorry jimin.......
I feel so bad..... I wish he would just leave her and realize he doesn't need her....

I wish all of this was easier....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now