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Jungkooks pov

Jimin chuckles "did I impress you?" I giggle and nod looking at him "you're amazing!"
I look at his lips and then start to lean closer to him.














My lips brush against his when suddenly Irene's voice is Hurd through speakers "PARK JIMIN!!!! YOU CHEATER!!! WE HAVE A DAUGH-"
I giggle a little when Hana stands up from her seat ((the other were sat with one another with the rest of the school & parents that were there))

Hana points to Irene and then puts her finger to her lips "SHHHHHH!!!!!"
Irene gasps "you can't talk to me like that!" Hana Huff's "SHUSH! Or I will say a bad word!", I raise my eyebrow.
Irene looks at jimin "you're gonna let your daughter talk to me like this?!"

Hana crosses his arms and glares at Irene "shut the....." Hana looks at me and I nod and then she looks back at Irene "shut the hell up!!"
Other people watching laugh. Irene glares at me "consider this a warning jeon!!!"

She walks out and Hana giggles and turns back to us "now go!"
I look back at jimin and then look at his lips and then jump down "uh.... sorry.....I must weigh a tone....I should get going..."

I start to walk away but jimin grabs my hand "jungkook..." I look at him. He gulps "I uh....I wanted to know if you.....if you wanted to uh........maybe.....uh-"
I tilt my head "what's wrong?"

He shakes his head "it's nothing....don't worry...wanna go to dinner later?....as a group! Not as like a date....but like....to uh.... celebrate!...yeah!"
I hesitate but nod "of course....well done jimin by the way...you're an amazing player"

I walk away and off the field.
I gasp when my parents walk to to me. My father crosses his arms "son....are you gay?", I gulp and look down.

I hesitate but nod "y-yeah...." I hear my mum gasp "I knew it! Who's the lucky boy?!", I tilt my head and look at them "you don't care?"
My father shakes his head "you're our son....we love you no matter what....now...is there a boy?"

I giggle "I'll tell you both later o-" my mum smirks "it's park jimin" my eyes widen "w-what?" She nods "yeah....it all adds up now...." I gasp "wait... eomma-"
My father gasps "I already gave him my blessing years ago!you two were made for one another!",

I shake my head "Appa-", my mum cuts me off "but remember.... protection....you're to young for kids" I roll my eyes "eomma I'm not going to have kids...and I'm not with ji-",
She gasps ,"I'll start wedding dress shopping for you!!! Your father will find a venue!.... we'll also speak to Mr park!!"
My eyes widen "no!-" I try and stop them but the walk off and climb into their car.

I groan "damn parents....never listen"  I gasp when I hear Baekhyun behind me "you marrying jimin?", I shake my head "no....I'm sure he'll marry momo or one of those girls" Baekhyun stands next to me "I don't think so....he likes you....it's obvious"

I shake my head "you're delusional" he rolls his eyes "why are you so stubborn?" I huff "Im not....I'm just not putting dreams into my head that will get crushed the day jimin finds a wife...."

Baekhyun puts a hand on my shoulder "I really think he likes you....you should talk to him about your feelings though.... keeping it all inside isn't a good idea" I look down "I'll talk to him during dinner....then I'll have my hyungs there to support me....okay?"

He nods "alright.....I'm 99.9% sure he likes you though", I huff "shut up bacon...you're delusional!", He tilts his head "bacon? Back to childhood names?" I giggle and nod and shove him a little making him chuckle "I've missed hanging out with you...."

I sigh "I guess I haven't been very sociable lately....we need to hang out more....but remember....jimins my best friend and if he needs me I gotta go" Baekhyun laughs a little "I know kook....I know...."
I smile and start to walk home.

Talk about my feelings to jimin tonight........I'm not ready to do that....I can't.... he'll hate me.....I cant, I can't,I can't, I can't!

I'm not gonna do it! It's just dinner to celebrate jimins team and them winning...I can't make it awkward by talking about my feelings.....
Definitely not!
100% no...
I can't do it....
I'm bailing out.... nope! Sorry Baekhyun..
I lied....I cant talk to jimin

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now