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Jimins pov

I look up to see.
"What the fuck do you want Irene?" She moves her hand off my back and sighs "jimin i-"
I stand up "you shouldn't be here! You have no friendship with jungkook! You ruined his life! So fucking leave him alone!!! Hurt me instead! Leave him alone!"

She looks down "I'm not here for him jimin....you need support....you haven't moved in two weeks" I nor "BECAUSE MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND IS NEAR DEATH!!!" Tears roll down my cheeks "please.....just go away."
She shakes her head "no jimin...I'm here to support you....as your wife-"

I growl "I don't want you as my wife anymore!!! So just fuck off!! You'll ruin my life even more than you have!! I love jungkook and that's final! I want to be with jungkook! Not you!....go away" she scoffs "why do you want to be with him? He's a nobody"

I scoff "if anyone is a nobody here it's you...now fuck off before I make you" I hear a groan from the bed behind me. I gasp "jungk-" Irene grabs me and kisses me deeply.

Jungkooks pov

I sit up and groan....ow....my stomach hurts so much.
I open my eyes and hear a gasp followed by jimins voice "jungk-" I look over and my eyes widen when I see Irene kissing him.

He pushes her away "fuck off!!" Irene smirks "see you at home chim~....bye bye jungkook....get well soon~"
I look down......that really wasnt the thing I wanted to see when i opened my eyes..
Jimin walks to me and makes me look at him "you're awake" I nod

Tears roll down his cheeks and he hugs me tightly. I gasp a little and hug back "don't cry jiminie I'm here....it's okay" he cries more "why did you step in front of me?! It should have been me"

I shake my head "no don't say that....I did it because you're my best friend....we made a promise that we'd always protect one another....and I'm keeping that promise....please don't blame yourself...."

He cries more "I thought I would lose you!", I pull him on my lap and he then lays in between my legs with his arms around me.
I giggle a little and keep my arms around him "stop crying you big baby"

He looks at me "I can't live without you jungkook...." I smile "you don't have to....I will never leave your side jimin....not now....not ever....okay?" He nods "I won't leave you again either.....I....I love you jungkook" my eyes widen.
He gulps "a-as a friend!"

I look down a little "y-yeah...of course....I love you too......as a friend...too!" He sighs and then sits up carefully "are you in pain?"
I shake my head "no....it aches though...." He nods "I should go tell a nurse you're awake" I giggle and nod "okay"

I gasp a little when Mrs park walks in. She gasps "jungkook!!!!" Jimin climbs off the bed and walks out to get a nurse and he hugs me tightly and kisses my head "we were so worried!" I smile "I'm okay now..."

She sighs "I sadly come baring bad news" I tilt my head "what's wrong?" She looks down "jimin has to leave again....for years....he won't be back for years..." I tear up "doesn't jimin get a say in this?! You can't just send him away!" She shakes her head "I wish I could make him stay! It's his father....he needs to go away to learn how to run the business"

I sigh and look down letting tears fall.
Jimin walks in again with a nurse and gasps "jungkook?!" He runs to me and makes me look at him and then looks at his mum "what did you do?!"
I cry "you have to leave again...." He looks at his mother "what?" She nods "I came here to tell you....you have to leave for years....Hana can come with you....your father needs you to go over to England so you can learn how to run the business"

Jimins eyes widen "no! I won't leave jungkook again" I put my hand on his cheek and smile "you have to....your father wants you to be successful....I'll be okay....and I'll wait for you....no matter how long it takes.....I'll be here waiting okay?" He shakes his head "no! We just said we wouldn't leave one another!",

I hesitate but move and kiss his cheek "it'll be okay jimin....we both know...no matter what we'll both end up on the same road again....but for now....you have to take a different road to me...."

Tears roll down his cheeks "I'm so sorry.... you've only just woken up and now I have to leave" I nod "it's not the best but I understand why...and remember that when you come back we can spend every day together!....we will never stop being best friends jimin...."

He smiles a little "I don't deserve you" I giggle "now go...." The nurse walks to me and checks my wound.
Jimin doesn't move.
I roll my eyes "park jimin...go and pack or I will get out of this bed and slap you" he chuckles and wipes his tears "alright alright....I really am sorry jungkook" I shake my head "don't apologize"

He hesitates but then leans closer to me. I blush and then he kisses my head "see you soon Kookie....I'm stealing some of your hoodies by the way" I smile and nod "okay......see you soon chimmy"
He sighs and then grabs my hand "have this....to remember me" he slides a ring on my finger

to remember me" he slides a ring on my finger

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((Jungkook can't see the words inside))

I smile a little more "I will never forget you jimin...." He nods and then looks down "I better go...." I nod "yeah.... goodbye chimmy" he chuckles a little and shakes his head "no goodbye....I'll see you later" I giggle and nod "see you later" he then walks out and I see tears rolling down his cheeks.

I start to cry. Mrs park grabs my hand "you're so kind.... he'll be back.....I'm so so sorry jungkook" I shake my head "it's fine....please don't apologize....we made it three years without one another.... we'll just have to wait a few more....I know...one day.... we'll meet again..."
She kisses my head. I sigh and lean my head on her shoulder.

I woke up to see Irene and jimin kissing....and now jimins leaving....my life can't fall down anymore.....
But Its not jimins fault he has to leave.
We'll meet again....when he comes back...
I just hope he's not away for too long....
I already miss him.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now