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Jungkooks pov

Jimin sighs and looks at me "why don't we go to a club tonight? Just me and you? To catch up?"
I sigh "but irene-" he scoffs "I'm not her slave and she isn't the boss of me, I can do what the fuck I want"

I giggle and nod "alright....see you at 7?" He nods and smirks "yep....see you then Kookie" I roll my eyes and then walk into school.

Getting drunk with jimin?????????
Sounds like a horrible idea!......what if I do something stupid?!......
No....he has a daughter.....I'm sure he won't drink that much......



Jungkook hurry up!!!!", I huff and walk out my room and then walk downstairs and my breath hitches seeing jimin

Jungkook hurry up!!!!", I huff and walk out my room and then walk downstairs and my breath hitches seeing jimin

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((Ignore the mic))

He chuckles "I see we had kinda the same style choice" I nod looking at myself in the mirror

He chuckles "I see we had kinda the same style choice" I nod looking at myself in the mirror

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((Ignore the mic))

He smirks "we're going to the same club we use to go to when we were younger!" I giggle "let's go then....not too many drinks though.....my parents are visiting Tomorrow" he rolls his eyes "you're no fun" he grabs my hand and pulls me out the house.

We start to walk to the club. I pull my hand out of his and cross my arms "so....how's the married life?" He Huff's "shit....she thinks she can control me....it's nice to have some freedom again....you're now my escape...." I sigh "I see...an escape"

He gasps "I didn't mean it in a bad way! I like hanging out with you no matter what! It's just....you let me do what I want....you have never tried to control me....never tried to force me to do anything....well..... actually that's a lie....you forced me to kill a spider and said if I didn't you'd cut me into pieces and feed me to the spider..."

I giggle "I remember that" he chuckles "but you let me....be me....and that's what I like....Irene is the opposite....she wants me to buy her things and then uses the excuse of 'do you not love me' to make me buy her things, she tells me how to act and who to talk to....and it's pissing me off.....all because I have to run a shitty company",

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now