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Jimins pov

We all walk out the house and look around for jungkook, we have our masks on just in case and also have hats on so it would be hard to tell it's us.... I gasp "guys! jungkook didn't leave with his mask so let's just look for a group of army and we'll find him!",

Yoongi nods "good idea...someone hey Twitter up!" Namjoon pulls his phone out and scrolls through stuff and then gasps "In the cafe down the road!" We all run to the cafe to see loads of people in a cue outside the cafe. We walk past them all and inside the cafe.

I growl a little seeing jungkook sat at a table with bambam, jungkook was signing things and talking to some fans and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. I huff and take my mask off. I look at an army in the line "can I cut in?" She gasps and nods "o-o-o-of c-c-course!" I step into the line, yoongi tilts his head and whispers "what are you doing?"

I smirk "seeing my favourite idol...have to got a problem?" Some army's look at the others suspiciously. The others all walk to the counter ordering some drinks so they don't look so suspicious.
I move in the cue until I reach the table. Jungkook looks up at me and gasps "jimin...."

I cross my arms "having fun on your date?" He stands up "it's not a date jim-" Jin grabs his hand "come on guys not here" jungkook looks at bambam "sorry I have to go....speak to you soon?" He nods "of course Kookie"

Jungkook walks out the cafe and all of us follow behind him.
We arrive back home and luckily no fans followed us. He walks inside, "there I'm home now.... goodnight" he starts to walk away but I grab his wrist "jungkook no I want to talk!" He looks at me "if you're going to say that you still love me and we can work this out then just save it...."

He sighs and looks down "we aren't meant to be a couple jimin....it's just not how our lives were meant to be....the fans hate the idea of me being with you.....and I just give up....I have no motivation anymore jimin.....I fucking love you but if that means I get hate and even more hate....then I'll end up doing something stupid and end up just ending it all.....I'm sorry"

Tears roll down his cheeks and he walks into his bedroom after getting his wrist out my grip. I walk to his room and knock on the door "jungkook please! Just give us another chance! I'm not giving up on this! We are meant to be together! Just because we have a few Arguments doesn't mean we have to break up!! Please please baby! I can't go without you!!"

I turn around and slide down the door so I'm sat on the floor  with my back against his bedroom door.
I bring my knees to my chest and look down with tears in my eyes "I love you jungkook...."

Jungkooks pov

I close my bedroom door and lock it and hear jimin knock on the door
"jungkook please! Just give us another chance! I'm not giving up on this! We are meant to be together! Just because we have a few Arguments doesn't mean we have to break up!! Please please baby! I can't go without you!!"

Tears roll down my cheeks and I slide down the door so I'm sat on the floor with my back to the door. I bring my knees to my chest and cry more.

I tip my head back and more tears fall "I love you jimin......but we aren't meant to be...."

Hoseoks pov

I sigh looking at jimin sat with his back against Jungkooks bedroom door...this is so heartbreaking. I look at namjoon who was looking down, we all walk to the kitchen.

Namjoon sighs "this is all my fault....I told him to think about the band and not himself" I shake my head "it's not your fault Joon....don't blame yourself" Jin hugs him and sighs "they just need to work it out"

Yoongi sighs "jungkook worries to much about what other people think....he needs to think more about what they both want....yes the fans are a huge part of our lives but they don't control us....I'm sure if they see that jungkook and jimin are a strong HAPPY couple then they'll accept them....and if they don't then screw them....real fans want their idols to be happy....."

I nod "that's true....I just hope he sees that.....I don't want them to give up on having a relationship with one another...they were the cutest couple ever" taehyung and yoongi Pout, I giggle "after us of course"

Taehyung sighs "maybe we can help them" Jin tilts his head "how would we do that?" Namjoon sighs "what about making them do more things together so they might stop arguing and get on better....and we post photos of them being happy together and working together then the fans might start shipping them again and jungkook won't have anything to worry about"

I nod "that could work! Let's do it!"
Taehyung nods "mission jikook is a go!" We all nod and walk to the lounge to start to plan what they can do together.

I really hope they sort it out soon though....I hate seeing them both sad.....

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