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One month later

Jins pov

"It's been a whole month...he isn't waking up" the doctor says while looking at jimin.
Jimin stands up and walks to the doctor silently.
My eyes widen when suddenly he grabs the doctor by the collar "HE WILL WAKE UP SO DO YOUR JOB AND FUCKING HELP HIM!!!"

Tears stream down his cheeks. Yoongi runs to him and pulls him away from the doctor. Jimin cries more hitting yoongis chest "no!!!", Yoongi rubs his back with tears rolling down his cheeks as well.

I look at Jungkook and that's when my tears fall.
"He's gone...." Namjoon wraps his arm around me "he lived a good life"

Jimin shakes his head "no he didn't!!! He was in pain and none of us saw it!! He had a fake smile! A fake laugh!!!...he deserved better!!! HE DESERVED A BETTER LIFE!"
Jimin falls to his knees and cries more "I wish it was me..."

I cry more and kneel next to him rubbing his back "I'm sorry chim"
We all look at the door to see jimins father walk in. Jimin stands up and looks at him "what?"
He sighs "I know this is a horrible time but the company-"

Jimin scoffs "of course! You're not here to comfort me because the person I loved is laying in a bed dead...of course not...what was I expecting?....I'm not coming back to work until I'm ready...all you fucking care about is the company and money! Please go away....I just lost the most important person in my life...."

Mr park nods "understood son....uh Irene is-", Irene walks in.
Jimin growls "don't you fucking take another step in here! You can stay the fuck away from me..." He then walks to jungkook and grabs his hand sitting with his back to Irene and his father..

The doctor looks down "look.... we'll keep him on the machine's for an extra week okay?" I nod "thank you doctor...." He nods "take care guys" he walks out the room.

Taehyung puts a hand on jimins shoulder "our manager wants you to tell the fans the news" jimin nods "we'll do it later...can I....can I be alone?...with jungkook for awhile?", We all nod. I walk to him and kiss his head "we'll be outside okay?" He nods "thank you hyung"

We all walk out the room leaving jimin with jungkook....and we'll...Irene still stood at the door
Jimin hasn't been eating well or anything...he hasn't left that room at all....he's so broken....I just wish there was something I could do....

Jimins pov

The others leave the room...I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly push it away "I already told you to fuck off Irene... seriously go away" she sighs "your mother told me what happened....I want to be here to support you"

I glare at her "and have you ever thought about what I want?? I don't fucking want you here and neither will jungkook so for the last time Irene FUCK OFF!!!" She gasps a little and steps back. She looks down "I understand you need space...Hana is with your hyungs okay?" I roll my eyes "whatever just go away" she walks out the room.

I look at Jungkook and more tears fall "why did it have to be you....I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you....please wake up Jungkook....please I'm begging you!"
I gasp when the door opens quickly revealing Hana.

She runs to me and hugs me crying. I wrap my arms around her and my tears fall as well. She cries more "w-will Kookie be okay?" I look at her "I-i....yeah.... he'll be okay.... he's strong remember?" She nods and looks at jungkook.

She grabs his hand and smiles "Hiya Kookie.... please open your eyes....I'm lonley without you....please.... please Kookie....we miss you" her tears fall more.
My heart breaks again watching the scene. Hana kisses Jungkooks head "I love you kookie....get better soon",

She looks at me "I go now....I love you Appa" I nod and kiss her head "I love you too baby girl....stay strong for Kookie okay?" She nods and runs out.
I look down "I need you here jungkook....I can't do this without you....you're my missing piece.... without you I'm nothing....please....open your eyes....Hana is waiting for you....and...and when you open your eyes I'll take you for your favourite meal and then I'll buy you gifts and ice cream....all you need to do is open your eyes....."
I grab his hand and cry more "please....I love you so fucking much...."

I stand up....I guess it's time to tell everyone what happened.....
I walk to the door and look back at Jungkook and more tears fall as I walk out.
This is the first time im Leaving his side....

But his fans deserve to know why their favourite idol isn't up on stage....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now