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   Months later

Jins pov

"Jimin....you can't be serious!", I look at jimin who was holding momo's hand.
He looks at me and then kisses momo's head "see you in class" she nods and runs off
He looks at me "it's to make sure I don't spill my feelings for jungkook!"

I tilt my head "what? Why?!", Jimin looks down "because I like him! No...I love him! And he's in love with someone else! And I can't ruin that!...he wants us to be best friends!....I don't want to lose him!",


I cross my arms "you're a dumbass jimin.... jungkook likes YOU!"
He looks at me "what?..... obviously we're friends" I shake my head "no jimin....he loves you! How can't you see that! He only paints you! He basically only smiles when you're around! He-"

"JIMIN-SHII!!!" We both turn around to see jungkook running to us. jungkook stops next to me and smiles "hey guys....what are you two talking about?" I look at Jungkook "jimins new girlfriend..."
I see his smile fade and a fake smile is replaced

Jimin sighs "jungkook i-"
Jungkook looks at him "who is it?" Jimin tilts his head "momo"
Jungkook nods "she seems nice.... she'll treat you nicely.....you should uh....go to her" jimin looks at me so I glare at him and he walks away.

Jungkook looks down and tears roll down his cheeks

Jungkook looks down and tears roll down his cheeks

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I sigh and hug him "I tried to tell him jungkook..." He hugs back and I feel his tears dampen my shirt.
Yoongi walks over and sighs "I guess you guys Hurd?"

We both nod. Jungkook steps back and wipes his eyes "I'm going to get some air....as long as jimin is happy I should be happy.....plus momo is a nice girl....they won't break up for years....it doesn't matter"
I go to speak but he walks away putting the hood up of his black hoodie.

I sigh and look at yoongi "they're both oblivious fucks.....jimins only going out with her to take his mind off his feelings for jungkook"
Taehyung walks over "I wanna talk to jungkook.... where'd he go?"
We both point to the door. He nods "thanks..." He walks towards the door

Taehyungs pov

I walk out the door and my heart shatters seeing jungkook sat on the step

I walk out the door and my heart shatters seeing jungkook sat on the step

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you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now