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Jungkooks pov

"jungkook! Just listen to me!!" I look at him and he had tears in his eyes "please..." I hesitate.

I nod "fine, follow me" he lets go of my hand and then I walk to the art room with jimin following behind me and look at the teacher and she smiles and nods "I'm going to get a coffee..." I smile and nod "thank you miss" she nods and walks out.

I turn to jimin after the door closes, I cross my arms "you have five minutes to talk...." He sighs "I didn't tell anyone you were gay...or that you had a boyfriend! Irene said that she just started a rumour and didn't know it was actually true....and she didn't want me talking to you anymore"

I scoff  "why not? I'm just the ugly duckling...it's not like you'd end up running away with me!" He sighs "every ugly duckling becomes beautiful jungkook....and that's what she's scared off...you becoming beautiful and stealing her spotlight"
I huff and turn away "jimin, I have been, the same all my life....I won't suddenly become beautiful....now please....just go away..."

He grabs my hand "jungkook pleas! I don't want to lose my best friend!" I rip my hand out his grip "well you should've thought about that before getting with Irene!" He tilts his head "you said you were happy for me! You were the one who told me to shoot my shot!"

I tear up "because I didn't realize how much of a bitch she is!" I turn to him and tears roll down my cheeks "she ruins everything! She made you tip coffee over my favourite sweater, she ruined my Painting! I tried out for the cheer team and she ruined my audition! I signed up for the music club and she ruined my audition!! SHE RUINS EVERYTHING JIMIN WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?!!!"

His eyes widen "why didn't you tell me?", More tears roll down my cheeks "because you were happy....and as your best friend....I was meant to make sure you were happy....I wasn't meant to make you upset...I was meant to be there for you no matter what....and now she's ruined my whole reputation in this school....everyone fucking Hates me now"

He grabs both my hands "what are you going to do?" I look at him "I'm leaving.." his eyes widen "what? No! You can't!" I sigh and look away "I'll be back....one day...but for awhile....I'm going back to Busan....it's my only option....go to your girlfriend jimin....have a nice high school life with her....you have everyone hanging off your arms... you'll find a new best friend"

He shakes his head "you can't go! We promised when we first met that we'd never leave one another!" I nod "we also made a promise to never hurt one another....but look who broke that one...goodbye jimin....oh one more thing"
I take a necklace off that I was wearing and put it in his hand

oh one more thing" I take a necklace off that I was wearing and put it in his hand

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I had one half and jimin had the other.

He looks at it "our friendship necklace?", He pulls his one out his pocket and puts them together

He looks at it "our friendship necklace?", He pulls his one out his pocket and puts them together

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you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now