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Jimins pov
((Monday at school))

I turn around to see Irene stood by Jungkooks locker.
I roll my eyes and look away from her.

I hear her gasp, and then her heels walking towards me "oi! Park jimin! You're meant to kiss me every time I ask for a kiss!" I shake my head "no...fuck off",

My eyes widen a little when he raises her hand to me.

"I wouldn't do that Irene..." A voice says from behind her.
I gasp and look at who the voice belongs to.

"Jungkook?" I smile.
He smirks "you were just about to hit your boyfriend...that's not good Irene...look....since I'm his best friend....why don't I take the hits for him?...don't hurt him and be may stay with you for longer....hurt me?...nothing will change"

I gasp "wait what? Jungkook no-"
My eyes widen when Irene slaps jungkook across the face.
Jungkook winces and falls to the floor, his cheek now bright red.

Irene turns to me and puts her hands on my chest and smiles "alright so-" I push her off me "how dare you?!! Don't ever fucking touch him again!!"
I help jungkook up and gentle caress his cheek "jungkook I'm so sorry..."

he shakes his head "I'm okay..."
I turn back to Irene "you sick bitch!! What has he ever done to you?!", Irene gasps "he....he stole my boyfriend!!!"
I roll my eyes "he obviously didn't because I was still with you until this point!"
Everyone around us gasps, Irene included.

Irenes smile drops "you're breaking up with me?"
I nod "yes! ....I was to blind to see that deep down you're just a bitch! You hurt my best friend! You pulled me away from my own friends! You used me for my money and popularity...see how you get on now bitch"

I turn back to Jungkook but she grabs my hand "jimin no! We belong together! Remember that song you sang at the talent show???... you're in love with the-"
I rip my hand out her grip "I sang that song about someone else....don't even start accusing me of cheating because I will just send your father screenshots of the messages you send to me...I'm sure your father would love to see how disgusting you are...",

Irenes eyes widen "no....no jimin....it's his fault! He came between us!!",
I shake my head "no!....you came between me and jungkook...so piss off....we are over!",
She shakes her head "you don't mean that!  You said you loved me!"

I nod "loved....that's past tense...I haven't loved you in a long time....you forced me to have sex with you....you tied me to the fucking bed!.....don't ever come near me or my friends understand me?"
Tears roll down her cheeks as she grabs both my hands "but we were going to have a family together!",

Irene pulls me to Jungkooks locker and points at the painting that was still there.
I look at it and then at jungkook who was looking down holding his cheek.

I scoff and then grab a pencil and scribble over the painting "no! We were NEVER going to get married, NEVER going to have children....I will marry who I love...and have children with them when I'm ready....so this is the last time I will tell you nicely..... we're over....get lost"

She cries harder "i-i love you jimin!" I turn away from her "too bad I don't love you...goodbye Irene"
I walk to jungkook and grab his chin gently making him look at me, he has tears rolling down his cheeks.
I grab his hand and pull him to the nurses office

I walk in and look at the nurse "ice pack please...", She nods and hands one to me.
I sit jungkook down in a chair and then crouch down in front of him and put the ice pack on his cheek making him wince a little.

I sigh "I'm so sorry jungkook....I wish I saw how horribly she was treating you before....I'm a terrible best friend....you deserve better"
He shakes his head "no jimin.... we're best friends forever... forever means...no matter what happens...we will always be best friends....you're my best friend jimin.... you're everything and more....you're amazing"

I huff and then he moves my hand off the ice pack and holds it himself. I lean my head on his legs and he giggles a little "sorry for making you lose your hot girlfriend..."
I huff "I'm glad you did....I wasn't happy with her....I'm glad I took your advice....you are really a stunning flower arent you kook"

Jungkook giggles "and you're the one red rose in a field of white roses" I chuckle.
He runs his fingers through my hair.
I stand up a little and then put my hand on his cheek which isn't injured.
I gently rub it with my thumb making him nuzzle my hand.

He moves the ice pack and I growl a little "that's gonna bruise badly....I'm so sorry jungkook",
He smiles his adorable bunny smile "don't apologize for her mistakes jimin...one day she will realize she just lost the best person In her life"

I blush a little and then smirk "best person?", Jungkook rolls his eyes "don't think too much into it",
We both laugh.

I slowly lean close to him still with my hand on his cheek,he grabs my shirt totally forgetting about his injured cheek now.
We continue to lean closer to one another closing the gap between us when.

((A/N: what will happen???))

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