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Jimins pov

We all arrive back at my house. I open the door and gasp a little when Irene walks up to me with tears streaming down her face.
I raise an eyebrow "you must have already got the papers from my father?"

She looks at me and tilts her head "what? No....fuck that old asshole i don't read emails he sends to me.....my nail broke!"
I tilt my head and growl a little "the fuck did you just call my father?"

Her eyes widen "wait- i didn't mean to!"
I cross my arms "I want a divorce" she tilts her head and wipes her tears "because I insulted your father once?" I shake my head "no Irene.... because I want Hana to have a good and happy life with parents who love and care for her....you never spend time with her and you say she isn't good enough to get gifts!"

She shakes her head "I've never said that!" Hana nods "yes you have! You said I'm a stupid crybaby!" Irene nods "you were crying because I accidentally ripped your painting"

I laugh "and you're crying because you- jin-hyung take Hana over to Jungkooks a minute...I'll be over soon" he nods and picks Hana up and they all walk nextdoor.

She nods "because I only just got them done!!!!......which reminds me....i need $200"
I scoff "no....I'm done with you.... we're done....you either sign the papers or I will force the divorce to happen....plus....I'm sure you had a load of People you were having sex with anyways.... because I didn't pleasure you?"

Her eyes widen "who told you that?...i love you jimin! Only you and Hana!" She puts her hands on my chest, I push her away from me "if you loved us then you would go around fucking over men! If you loved Hana you would tell her that! She's your daughter! Fucking treat her like it....now....I want you out my house by the time i get back or I will throw you out"

Her eyes widen more "you're threatening me? You can't kick your wife out!" I shake my head "I'm not....I'm kicking my ex-wife out....so goodbye....and Hana wants to stay with me so dont bother to fight for custody"

She scoffs "this is all because of that bitch nextdoor! What did he do?! Did he confess or something?!" I shake my head "he made me realize that I was forced to marry a bitch!....goodbye Irene" I turn to walk away but stop when I hear her mumble "I'll just make Jungkooks life a living hell"

I turn back to her "you leave him alone....don't even think about hurting him again or I will make sure my face is the last one you see before you go to hell....do you understand me? Leave him alone" she smirks "we both know you don't want to do this?"

I shake my head "no...this is exactly what i want to do....you obviously aren't capable of looking after our daughter....at first I was thinking about if this is a good idea....but i was thinking about me....but now....I'm thinking only about Hana....and she isn't happy with you as her mother....so I will simply make her happy....so....sign the divorce papers my father sent you and we'll go our separate ways"

Shd shakes her head "you can't stop me from seeing my daughter!" I shrug "it's Hana's decision....take me to court for her.... it'll be a waste of time....pack your things Irene.....i don't want to see you again"
I walk out the house and I hear her crying.
I don't know why......but I don't feel bad...

I was being selfish before....I need to think of Hana....

I walk nextdoor and knock on the door. Mr jeon opens the door and smiles "hello again jimin, come on in.... they're all in Jungkooks room" i nod "thank you sir"
I walk in

Jungkooks pov

I sit on my bed looking down while the others look in the box I kept of all mine and jimins memories.
Taehyung chuckles "kook....what is this?" I look up and smile a little at what he's holding

I take it from him and smile "this was something jimin gave me when we were playing in the tree house

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I take it from him and smile "this was something jimin gave me when we were playing in the tree house....he gave it to me....i think I was six? And he was eight?  I'm not to sure....but....he gave it to me and said...one day....when he gets taller than me.... he'd buy me a real ring with a diamond on it....and we'd get married....but only if he grows taller than me"

Changbin chuckles "he is taller then you now" i sigh and put the plastic ring back down "but he's already married"

"Not anymore....well technically I am....but I'm getting divorced"

I gasp and look at the door to see jimin leaning against the door frame. I tilt my head "after all these years....you're finally listening to me?" He sighs and nods "you made me realize I was forced to marry a bitch....me being married to her....Hana growing up with her....Hana wouldn't have a happy childhood....and that's not fair....I want her to be happy....and I'll do anything to make her happy"

Hana jumps up and hugs jimin who picks her up and hugs back "I love you so much baby girl"
Hana giggles "i love you too Appa....come lookie at the box!" He looks at me and i nod.

He walks in and sits down next to me holding Hana
He looks inside the box and Chuckles "so many memories..."
I nod "yeah....."

It just feels awkward now....i should probably talk to jimin about what happened.....
I bet it was my fault....I probably forced him......

I don't want to lose my friend though....
Maybe i should just leave it and completely ignore jimin forever.....

I don't know.....it's just so awkward now....

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