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Jungkooks pov

I blush bright red when.
"JIMIN IM HERE!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!" my eyes widen as I quickly sit up. Jimin gasps "get rid of her..." I nod and then stand up.
I walk out my room closing the door. I cross my arms when I see Irene walking towards me "what the FUCK are you doing in my house?"

She looks at me "finding MY boyfriend...where is he?" I shrug "how am i meant to know? I told you both to fuck off remember? So FUCK OFF!" She shakes her head "show me your room" i scoff "no, fuck off"

She smirks "you watching porn or something?" I huff and walks towards her "you have exactly five seconds before I call the police and tell them you broke in! Your boyfriend isn't here! So GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE!!" She Huff's "fine! I guessed he wouldn't wanna hang out with a nerd like you"

She walks out. I roll my eyes and slam the door behind her "FUCKING BITCH!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes

She's jimins girlfriend i can't hurt her
She's jimins girlfriend i can't hurt her
She's jimins girlfriend I can't hurt her
She's jimins girlfriend I can't hurt her....

I walk back to my room and giggle seeing jimin with his face under a pillow, i look out the window and gaso to see Irene looking in, she fucking climbed a tree just to snoop around!
Jimin goes to move the pillow but I stop him and quickly cover him with the blanket and stop him moving the pillow.

I look at Irene "can I fucking help you?!" She nods "who's that in your bed?!" I tilt my head "nobody is there! It's my duvet and pillow!" She shakes her head "their head is under the pillow! If it's just a pillow sit on it!" I raise my eyebrow "excuse me?"

She nods "if it's a person you won't sit on it! But if it's just a pillow you will..." I look at the pillow and huff and then whisper "I'm so fucking sorry jimin"
I move so I'm hovering over the pillow but not fully sitting down "see? Im on the pillow! Now fuck off before i call the police! Nobody is here!"

Whe Huff's and climbs down the tree. I quickly jump up and then run and close my window and my curtains "fucking hell...she is such a bitch!"
I hear a chuckle from behind me. I turn around and gasp "oh shit..i uh....i mean....you two are perfect for one another....i uh...sorry jimin"

He shrugs "she is a bitch... dont apologize....by the way jungkook" I tilt my head, he smirks "nice ass" I gasp "shut up!! Did you want her to find out you were here.... plus I didn't sit on you!! I just...y'know.... actually let's forget about it!"
Jimin walks to me "awe but it was so ni-"

I cover his mouth "jimin....you have a girlfriend...a hot girlfriend...that other boys would die for...." I move my hand and look down "you should go to her..." I hand him a shirt I found on the floor. He puts it on and luckily it fits.
He sighs "jungkook i-"

I shake my head "I'll wash your dirty clothes and give them to you next Friday...i don't see you during the week so..." He grabs my hand "jungkook-" he gets cut off by his phone. I push him away "just go jimin.... she'll find out if you stay here"

He sighs "okay....I'll uh...see you in school" I nod "yeah...bye" he starts to walk away but then turns to me and grabs my wrist pulling me to him, I gasp a little and he smashes his lips onto mine. My eyes widen, I stay still not really knowing how to act....this is my first kiss....

He pulls away "see you soon jungkookie" he then walks out. I stare at the door

What the fuck just happened?!?......

I sigh and look down at my bare legs...gross
I quickly change into some sweatpants. I pick jimins clothes up and gasp when something falls out his jeans pocket. I pick it up and smile a little it's a photo

 I pick it up and smile a little it's a photo

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This was when me and Jimin first met...it was on fireworks night...i was alone....and he offered me a sparkler....and it was a connection ever since...
We were inseparable.....

But....I guess people change....

I put jimins clothes in the wash and then walk back to my room and open my curtains and window again.i sit by my window and sigh seeing jimin and Irene arguing just down the road.
Jimin lives a few doors away from me which is why he's around mine so often.

I gasp when I see Irene slap jimin across the face. Jimin then grabs Irene's wrist and says something and then walks into his house. Irene starts to cry.
I wonder what jimin said to her....
Did they break up??

What happened???

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now