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Jungkooks pov

After awhile of talking we all end up sat in silence.
We all jump when the door opens and we all look up and my Breath hitches seeing












Jimin growls "the fuck do you want Irene?"
She holds her hands up in defence "hey calm down.....I'm here to apologize to jungkook.....I know I use to bully jungkook but this is way too far....and I feel Terrible for what I did in the past....I'm happy for you both"

She looks at me "can I....speak to you alone?" I go to speak but jimin stops me "no Irene I don't trust you, now fuck off" I kiss jimins head "calm down mochi it'll be okay.... you'll just be outside.....go get some food with Hana and bring me a coffee back okay?",

He looks at me and sighs "you sure? I don't trust that slut" I roll my eyes and nod "I'll be fine go and get Hana a cookie" Hana gasps "yay!" The others walk out the room and jimin kisses my head and picks Hana up and then glares at Irene

Jimin walks out and I smile a little looking at Irene "how are y-" her smile turns into a smirk "you're all so fucking stupid" I tilt my head "w-what?" She walks towards me "you really think I'm gonna apologize to a weak pathetic bitch?"

I look down "but you said-" I gasp when she grabs my chin forcing me to look at her "I will never be sorry for what I did....you deserved it all and you wanna know a little secrete?~" I tear up and then wince when he pokes my stomach "I planned this whole thing~"

My eyes widen "n-no..." She nods "I did~ I got everything prepared and yet.....you're still here! And you shouldn't be!!" Tears roll down my cheeks and the pain in my stomach gets worse.
She steps back "you stole my family from me!!! You stole my title in school!! And then you make all my fans hate me!!! You're a fucking fat cow that nobody loves!!!"

She looks at me and smirks "awwww you're crying~ did I hit a nerve~" I start to cry and grip my stomach "c-call the nurse" I try and get to the emergency button but she grabs it and moves it away from me "don't use that shitty excuse to tell on me you worthless bitch!"

I shake my head "p-please i-i-i- n-need a nurse!!" She drops the button on the floor and steps on it multiple times breaking it. I grip my stomach and cry for help while Irene continues to yell at me and she even slaps me.
But all I can do is cry and beg for help.

Jimins pov

I pay for Hana's cookie and huff looking at the others "I don't trust that bitch alone with my babies" yoongi shakes his head "me neither" hoseok sighs "but she did seem like she was sorry..." I cross my arms and then pick up Jungkooks coffee "I'm going back to him.....I can feel that something isn't right"

I walk back to Jungkooks room and I gasp when doctors and nurses run into the room stopping me from going in. I stop one nurse "what's going on?!" She looks at me and sighs "I'm sorry sir...." My eyes widen and she walks into the room.

What happened?!?!?
What did that bitch to?!? I'm going to fucking kill her!!!!

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