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A few days later

Jimins pov

I stare at Jungkook who lays unconscious in the bed. I haven't moved from this spot since jungkook was put into hospital, the nurses wont tell me anything about the baby because apparently I'm too stressed and need to calm down.

The other members take it in turns to stay over night in the hospital while the others all go home and they bring food in for me but I don't eat much. I also sleep sat next to him while holding his hands.

I miss him so much.....
Hana also stays over night sometimes but mostly stays with my mum lately.

I look down and then yawn a little and Lean my head by his hand and close my eyes. I hear someone walk in but ignore them and then I fall asleep slowly.


A few hours later

I slowly open my eyes and yawn a little and then smile feeling someone playing with my hair.
I sit up a little and rub my eyes and then freeze when I hear a giggle.
I look up and smile widely seeing jungkook sat up awake with a bandage around his chest.

Tears roll down my cheeks and he smiles "you alright sleeping beauty?" I smile and nod "you're actually awake?" He nods and then continues to play with my hair "I am....i woke up a few minutes after yoongi walked in.....he went to get coffee now...the nurses and doctors walked in and even checked me over"

More tears roll down my cheeks and then I stand up and carefully hug him. He hugs back and kisses my cheek "I'm okay now.....don't cry" I look at him "I thought I lost you....." He shakes his head "I'm a strong Kookie I said I'd never leave you and I'm keeping to my words"

I smile and then kiss him deeply making him gasp but he kisses back. I pull away and lean my forehead against his "I missed you so fucking much and I'm so happy you're okay..............did they talk about the baby?", He nods.

I sit down again and he looks at me and smiles "the baby is okay.... we're still gonna be a family.....Hana is going to be a big sister and you're gonna be a great Appa again" I gasp "really?!?!" He giggles and nods "yes jimin.... everything is okay...."

I start to cry more making him giggle, he pats his legs "come here jiminie, do you want cuddles?" I nod and then climb on the bed carefully and lay between his legs with my head on his stomach while he leans with his back against the headboard and plays with my hair.

I cry and then kiss his stomach "I'm so happy.......thank you thank you thank you" jungkook sighs "stop crying mochi....it's all okay now" I look at him "I thought I fucking lost you both.....I was so lost without you"

He smiles and then kisses my head "we're okay baby.....me and the baby are okay and we're stronger than ever...." I wrap my arms around him gently and then cry more and he giggles a little and plays with my hair gently again.

I hear the door open and the others walk in, hoseok giggles "jimin are you okay?" I don't answer. Jungkook nods "he's okay..... he's just overwhelmed and happy"  I kiss his stomach again and then kiss his knuckles making him laugh a little and kiss my head..

I'm so happy.....my babies are okay..

((A/N: tbh I wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger again but you'd probably end up killing me 😂 so I hope this chapter is okay))

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