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Jimins pov

I look around the classroom and sigh.
I'm in the last class of the day. Art. Im not a huge fan of art, it was actually jungkook who was the one to teach me how to draw.

I hear Jungkook laughing. I turn around to see him laughing with Jackson, we make eye contact and he smiles

I smile back and then gasp when Irene grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to her kissing me

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I smile back and then gasp when Irene grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to her kissing me.

I see jungkook look down out the corner of my eye. I pull away and look down at my sketch book.
I really have lost my best friend..... taehyung won't even talk to me anymore....

All because my father forced me to marry Irene....I didn't want to....I really didn't want to, I tried everything I could to stop it...but my father threatened to hurt jungkook and his family if I didn't.....and I didn't want him to get hurt.

Hana was one of the best things that happened to me.... it's just....I don't feel like it was time....I know I said I wanted kids when I was older and more mature....but I don't think I wanted kids with anyone.....I think I wanted kids with jungkook...

But I guess I've fucked that up now...
I hear Jackson chuckle and say "god I love you jungkookie" I then hear Jungkook laugh.

Are they together??????????

Jungkooks pov

I sigh look away from jimin when Irene pulls him into a kiss. Jackson Huff's "Kookie Kookie kookie!" I look at him and giggle "yes?", He smiles and then makes a funny face making me laugh.
I hit his chest gently "stop it"

Jackson chuckles "god I love you Jungkookie" I smile and then laugh a little "I'm really happy we're friends Jackson...", He nods "me too....",

He looks at my sketch book and sighs "why is he always the one you draw?" I tilt my head and look at my sketch book and sigh....

He looks at my sketch book and sighs "why is he always the one you draw?" I tilt my head and look at my sketch book and sigh

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"I guess.....I still love him"
Jackson Huff's "you need to take your mind off that asshole....you two obviously weren't that close if he ran off wi-" I glare at him "it's not his fault he was married off...keep shut if you don't know the whole situation"

His eyes widen "dude....look....he obviously doesn't love you....he's a married man...with a beautiful wife and daughter....it's obvious...if he loved you....he wouldn't have left in the first place"

I rip the drawing out my book and tear up when I see another drawing of jimin. The whole book is full of drawings of jimin.
I huff and stand up and walk to the trash, the teacher looks at me "jungkook?"

I chuck the whole book in the trash and then walk back and grab my bag "this whole thing is pointless....art is fucking pointless" I walk out the room with tears rolling down my cheeks

Jimins pov

"Art is fucking pointless...." Jungkook walks out the room.
I gasp a little "he adores art...." I turn around to Jackson and stand up and grab the collar of his shirt "what.did.you.do?"

The teacher gasps "jimin! Let him go!" I growl "I'm waiting for an answer!" Jackson gulps "it wasn't me who did anything....it was you!"
I chuck Jackson on the floor and look at the teacher "I'm going to find him"

I start to walk out the room when Irene grabs my wrist "baby-" I pull my wrist out her grip "I'm going to find him weather you like it or not...he's my best friend so keep shut", she gasps "you shouldn't talk to your wife like that!", I roll my eyes "if I had a choice you wouldn't be my wife"

Everyone gasps. I walk out the room to find jungkook.
I see yoongi by his locker, i walk to him "hyung! Where did jungkook go?" Yoongi looks at me "he went outside....he even took my leather jacket and black t-shirt"

I nod "alright...thanks hyung!", I run out the building and look around "where did you go jeon",
I walk to the back off school and sigh when I see jungkook holding a ciggeratte, he changed into a leather jacket and black t-shirt

thanks hyung!", I run out the building and look around "where did you go jeon",I walk to the back off school and sigh when I see jungkook holding a ciggeratte, he changed into a leather jacket and black t-shirt

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I walk to him "hey...." He looks at me and sighs "why did you follow me jimin?" I stand next to him "because you're my best friend and it's my job to make sure your happy....can I have one?"  He nods and hands me the cigarette "this is my last one...we have to share"I nod

He looks down "you shouldn't come near me jimin" I shake my head "why? Because you think you'll say so something stupid and ruin my marriage?" He nods "yeah...." I shrug "ruin my marriage...it's already ruined...." I hand the ciggeratte back to Jungkook to finish off.

I look down "do you wanna know the Reason I married her?" He shakes his head "not really...."
I look at him "to keep you safe....my father said that if I didn't marry her....her father would hurt you....and I couldn't let him do that....you mean everything to me jungkook....and I'm sorry"

He sighs "you don't need to be sorry....you're married.... and I guess I got too caught up with everything to be there for you....you have a daughter now....you moved on.....we aren't kids anymore.... you don't need a best friend....sorry for being a burden"

I look at him and shake my head "you aren't a burden....I'm not in a happy relationship.... jungkook everyday since the day I left....you were on my mind....yes I love my daughter with all my heart....I don't think I was ready....or am ready....and there was one person I wanted to have kids with.....and now I've lost them...."

He looks at me and ruffles my hair "I'm sure you haven't lost them...." I grab his hand and hold it and he smiles a little.

I wish I could tell you how much I love you jungkook......
I'm so fucking sorry......

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