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Jungkooks pov

I groan sitting up.i wince a little "ow....my head....and my ass hurts"
I jump a little when I hear Taeyongs voice "well he did fuck you hard last night, couldn't sleep cause of you two"

I tilt my head and then gasp when I see jimin asleep next to me with his arms around my waist.

My eyes widen "fuck....oh no....no no no no no no no no no no!!" I push jimin away from me and grab my clothes.i put my jeans on and look at taeyong "goodbye!!", He gasps "jungkook wait-"
I ignore him and run out the club.

I run all the way home with tears rolling down my cheeks. I gasp when I see my parents stood at the door.
They look at me and my eomma gasps "jungkook!", I run to them and hug them tightly and cry "I'm so stupid!!!"

My Appa rubs my back "open the door and we'll talk okay?" I nod and then hand him the keys. He opens the door and we all walk inside.
I'm such a Terrible friend.....i can't even remember anything......that was my first time!.......

Jimins pov

I groan and rub my eyes. I sit up and look around "the fuck?" I gasp a little when Taeyong sits on the floor next to me handing me a glass of water "your boyfriend left",

I tilt my head "boyfriend?....I'm married....I have a wife and daughter", his eyes widen "oh shit....you do know what you and jungkook did right?" I shake my head "no?", He sighs and then hands me a mirror "look at your collarbone"

I hesitate but look at it in the mirror, my eyes widen "FUCK! No no no no no no no no no!" I stand up and look around "he left?!" Taeyong nods "yeah he ran out....even forgot his phone" he holds up Jungkooks phone.

I sigh and take it from him putting my pocket. I tilt my head "where's my shirt?" He shrugs and then stands up and walks behind the bar and then chucks a white shirt at me "wear that....now that I think about it....I think jungkook was wearing it"

I sigh "I'm such a dumbass.....see you around taeyong!", He nods "bye!" I walk out the club making sure I have everything.
I walk home and look next door at Jungkooks front door.

Did I force him????
Why did he leave so quickly......

I walk inside and gasp when Hana jumps on me "APPA!" I chuckle "hello baby girl!" She smiles "where we're you? Eomma went out with her friend Jackson and hasn't come back yet...me and grandma made cakes for jungkook!! Can we go see him!?"

I shake my head "no today.... jungkook is....sick....he can't see us or he'll give us the illness....maybe next week" I put her down and walk into the bathroom and lock the door.
I slide down the door and bring my knees to my chest

I'm a fucking dumbass....
I just fucked my best friend....he's going to hate me until the day I die....

Why did I have to move away? Why didn't I just confess to jungkook when I had the chance.... now I'm stuck in an unhappy relationship....

I hesitate but pull Jungkooks phone out and unlock it.
Why am I going through his phone?

I honestly don't know....it just feels like the right thing to do....

I unlock it and my breath hitches when I see his home screen

I unlock it and my breath hitches when I see his home screen

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((A/N: this honestly hurt me to do....I had to get my friend to scribble on it cause I couldn't do it))

He.... scribbled himself out....why....this photo doesn't look right without him....it's a member down....it's wrong....

Why did he do it?....does he not feel like a part of the group?.....

I feel so horrible......and me doing this to him....he must fucking hate me.
I have to get his phone back to him and then tell the others that he doesn't feel part of the group....

I don't know if he'll even look at me anymore.....what if I've lost my best friend for good?!.....
I've fucked up....really badly.

I jump when I hear Irene's voice on the other side of the door "hey! Baby come on out"
Her voice is slurred....she's drunk.

I stand up and open the door, she giggles and grips my shirt "wanna go upstairs~?" I shake my head "no I don't....let me go" she starts to cry, "don't you love me?!" I shake my head again and walk away from her picking Hana up "let's go give jungkook the cakes"
Hana gasps "yay!!"

I have to apologize and talk to jungkook....
I just hope he'll listen to me.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now