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Jimins pov

I stand up from my desk and huff.
I walk to my dad's office "father I'm going to see jungkook and you can't stop me...I am going to confess that I love him...I shall be back later",

I grab my phone from his desk and walk out not listening to him calling my name.
I walk out the building...I know this is a terrible thing going against my father....but I feel like a complete asshole...I can't keep them hidden for any longer.

I walk to Jungkooks house after going to the store first to pick some things up for him.
I walk to his house and knock on the door. I smile when I hear the door unlock.

It opens slightly and jungkook stands there looking down "hello?" I gulp "jungkook?"
His head shoots up and he gasps "jimin!!", I hand him a bouquet of roses.

He giggles and takes them "thank you?", He puts them in a vase that was next to the door

He giggles and takes them "thank you?", He puts them in a vase that was next to the door

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I look down "I can't to confess something" jungkook nods "okay?"
I gulp "I came to say....that I uh....I watched your concert on live stream and-"
He laughs a little "no way! Park jimin nod head deep in work?"

I shrug "I couldn't miss my best friends performance completely....I'm so fucking sorry for missing it jungkook....I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there....I know it's your last one in-",

He stops me "hold up....hold up....you what?", I tilt my head "I'm sorry?", He shakes his head "no after that?" I raise my eyebrow "I'm sorry I couldn't be there?", He shakes his head "before that!"

I blush a little "I love you?" He tilts his head "you do???"  I nod "and I have for years...when we kissed....I planned on telling you how I feel...and obviously how sorry I am but I always chickened out...I wanted to tell you...I really did..."

He looks down "jimin....I'm sorry....I agreed to go on a date with Baekhyun....he rang me a few minutes ago"
I look down "I understand...Im to late...I'm sorry again jungkook....I hope we can still be friends"

He sighs "jimin-" I smile "you two are perfect for one another" he smiles a little "I'm sorry jimin.... we're still best friends though...", I nod "of course!"
My heart is now in a million pieces....
I deserve this.

I take a deep breath and then hold my hand out and shake his hand thinking a hug would be too awkward "well I'll uh....see you around" he nods.
I walk away and bite my lip to stop tears from falling but one rolls down my cheek as I walk away...
Karma really does bite you in the ass.....I'm such a fucking dickhead....

I should be happy for them.... Baekhyun is a nice guy....and jungkook is an amazing,talented, beautiful- no stunning, angelic specimen that needs to be treasured forever....a precious jewel......
A jewel that's out of my reach......a jewel that I can't and never will be able to touch...... because he now belongs with someone else.....

Jungkooks pov

I watch jimin walk away. I see him bite his lip and I see one tear roll down his cheek.
I feel so fucking bad....but he did kiss me and then ignore me for ages and also leave the country and come back with a wife and daughter....so I guess I shouldn't feel bad

But I still love him.... Baekhyun asked me out not long ago...and I thought to myself 'yeah what the hell, Jimin is never gonna confess to me',
And now he did....I don't want to pretend to like Baekhyun....he's an amazing person but....I'm still in love with jimin and I don't think that will ever change.

I sigh and walk to my room and look at a photo frame I had in my window

I sigh and walk to my room and look at a photo frame I had in my window

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I miss those days....we had nothing to worry about...no girls got in our way....we were free to do what we wanted without our parents yelling at us....

I guess what they don't teach you as a kid is....as you get older...life starts to become more and more dull...
I adore my job and fans and the people around me.... but I feel like I'm wearing a mask...

One day...I hope to take my mask off and be myself....one day I'll be with the one I love and we will be happy.....

Don't be silly jungkook....dreams and wishes don't come true....
I seriously need to stop drifting into Dreamland....

I should get ready for my date anyways......
I hope it's not awkward....I do like Baekhyun! But I don't think I love Baekhyun....I think we're better off friends....but maybe this could change things!....maybe

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now