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Jimins pov

I look at Jungkook who was looking at the others.
I sigh "jungkook...." He looks at me "yeah?" I look down "I think....we should talk... about the other night"

He nods "yeah....let's go to the kitchen?" I nod.
We both stand up. Chen looks at us "where you two going?"jungkook looks at him "we're gonna go make drinks" he nods and they continue to look through the box.

Me and jungkook walk to the kitchen and he sits on the counter "so...." I nod "so....I uh....I'm sorry"
He tilts his head "why are you sorry?" I shrug "because I probably forced you to do it" he shakes his head "I thought I forced you....I was panicking"

I shake my head "you didn't force me...I know you didn't" he nods "you didn't force me either..." He giggles a little "maybe we should ring taeyong?", I nod.
He pulls his phone out and then gasps when Mrs jeon walks in "Kookie baby, me and your father are going to get some groceries with Mrs park....you need anything?"

Jungkook looks at them and shakes his head "no thank you eomma....I'm okay...have fun though!" She giggles and nods and then walks out.
He looks at me and then rings taeyong and puts him on speaker.
It rings a few times and then he answers "hello"

Jungkook smiles "hey taeyong...." Taeyong gasps "hey kook! I have the CCTV up now....is jimin there with you?" Jungkook tilts his head "you knew we'd ring?" Taeyong chuckles "of course I knew you would....and dont worry I didn't watch it all....but I can tell you both....it was around 4am...both of you just did a shot game to see how many each of you could drink and who could drink the most....jimin won....and then you both sat at the bar...I left upstairs to bed and everything was closed but I let you both stay....and then jimin said to you that yours adorable, you pokes his nose and laughed and then jimin kissed you....you didn't push him away...you kissed back straight away....and I refuse to look at the rest"

My eyes widen "I kissed him first?" Taeyong hums in agreement "yep!....and from what I can assume....jimin topped" jungkook blushes "that was not relevant information....but I already knew that....since my ass hurts"
Taeyong laughs. I huff "gross guys....too much information"

Jungkook looks down "uh anyways thanks taeyong! I appreciate your help! Also.... delete that for us"taeyong chuckles "you sure you don't want me to send it to you?",
I groan "taeyong! Gross!.........but yes" jungkook hits my arm making me laugh "I'm kidding!",

Jungkook rolls his eyes "anyways bye taeyong!" Taeyong laughs "bye kook....I'll send it to your email chim!", Jungkook Huff's and hangs up.i laugh a little.

Jungkook smiles "Its nice to hear you laugh properly again jimin" I smile "it's nice to see you with your smile on your face again....you have had a fake smile on recently...."
He looks down "how could you tell" I roll my eyes "jungkook....we have been friends since nursery....I know everything about you"

Jungkook giggles a little "I see....that's creepy", I gasp "no it's not! You know everything about me too!" He nods "that's true....",
I hesitate but brush some of his hair out the way of his eyes and behind his ear. He looks at me and smiles

I move my hand away and step back and look down "I uh

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I move my hand away and step back and look down "I uh....we should actually make drinks for everyone" he nods "yeah..." He jumps off the counter and we begin to make drinks for everyone.

I look at Jungkook "Hana adores you..."he nods "I'm glad she does.....I've always wanted a kid to look after.... especially a girl....you're lucky", I nod "yeah...." To have an amazing person like you in my life....

He looks at me and smirks "open up" I tilt my head and then open my mouth. He shoves a cookie in my mouth. I gasp and then bite it and he laughs "you're welcome"
I swallow it and roll my eyes "you never change"

He shakes his head "nope!" I smile "and I'm glad...." He blushes and then grabs some of the drinks "can you bring the rest in?" I nod "yeah of course" I grab the rest of the drinks.

We walk to Jungkooks bedroom and set the drinks on the desk.
Hana giggles "Kookie what's this photo from?", She holds up a photo and jungkook smiles .

 Hana giggles "Kookie what's this photo from?", She holds up a photo and jungkook smiles

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Jungkook looks at me and then back at Hana "your appa was upset....so I cheered him up!" Taehyung nods "by kissing and nibbling his ear....that's something couples would do....am I wrong?",

Jungkook rolls his eyes "oh shush...I was comforting him...." Jungkook grabs my hand and sits me on the floor and then sits on my lap. I laugh a little....this is exactly what jungkook use to do years ago....I'm glad he's back

Jin smiles "back to normal?" Me and jungkook nod. Hana then sits on Jungkooks lap.
Felix smirks "you look like a family"  Hana nods "jungkookie is my new eomma!"
Mine and Jungkooks eyes widen..

Jungkook looks at me and then at Hana and giggles nervously "uh..." Hana looks at him with tears in her eyes "you don't want to be my eomma?" Jungkook shakes his head "no! It's not that! I uh....it's just-" Hana cuts his sentence "then I'll call you eomma!" She stands up and kisses his cheek "I love you eomma!"

Jungkook blushes and kisses her head "I love you too Hana" she smiles and then sits down looking through the box again. Jungkook leans his head back on my shoulder "I have a soft spot for kids" I chuckle "I can tell...it's cute though....and not awkward anymore because it's back to it was before" he nods "yeah...."

I look at Hana who smiles at photos of me and jungkook. Me and jungkook tell the others some stories behind some of the objects and laughing about it.
I slowly slid my arms around Jungkooks waist as time went on.
Jungkooks parents and my mum sat in the lounge Talking about.....adult stuff....

Today went well......I guess......
I don't know.....
Im just glad to have my best friend back.....
Will it be awkward now Hana calls him eomma???....what if he is uncomfortable?.....what if he hates me???

Should I tell Hana to stop????
I don't know......

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now