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((A/N: before you read this chapter, I wanted to make it clear that this chapter is only for fun, please don't think anyone on this account hate any of the people written about, we all love and respect all the characth.but please understand that nor me or Kathy like a certain in this chapter.... we're sorry but....yeah...we just aren't a fan..))

Jimins pov

I giggle watching jungkook dancing around, we're at another fansign! We love doing these so much, we get to meet so many army's....it's amazing....

Yoongi chuckles "kook.... seriously....calm down" jungkook shakes his head and continues to dance "I shall never stop dancing!"
I raise my eyebrow "I'll give you a kiss if you stop"
He stops dancing and then walks to me "kiss!"

I laugh a little "ask nicely bunny" he pouts "give.me.a.fucking.kiss" I cross my arms, he Huffs and mumbles "please..." I smile "see it's not to bad to say please" I put my hands on his hips and kiss him, he kisses back and whines when I pull away.

I kiss his head "we have to go out on stage now bunny....time to meet army!" He gasps and bounces up and down like a bunny "yay yay yay!" Jin Huff's "this child is so energetic today"
We all laugh when hoseok walks over to us and starts to jump about with jungkook.

We all walk out on stage and the fans cheer and take photos.
We all sit down together in a line


The fans straight away start to walk up to us, and it goes amazing!

I hear Jin snicker and then stand up "please stay there....I need to go get a pen off of jimin" I tilt my head "huh?"

in stands up and walks to me and then bends down and whispers "there's a superfan....he paid thousands to look like you.....just warning you now" I nod and then he grabs one of my pens and walks back to his chair and sits down.

Jungkook looks at me "what was that about?" I shrug "a superfan...." He nods "oh I se-" we both turn to the fans in front of us and jungkook goes silent staring at the fan in front of him shocked.

" He nods "oh I se-" we both turn to the fans in front of us and jungkook goes silent staring at the fan in front of him shocked

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I tilt my head signing the fan in front of me book. Jungkook gulps and whispers "I'm scared...." I look at the fan in front of jungkook and my eyes widen

" I look at the fan in front of jungkook and my eyes widen

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((A/N: we don't agree or like what Oli London has done....please understand that's just our opinion....we aren't a fan of Oli London....but still no hate if you are...........however.......I'm not sure if any army's are his fans))

I grab Jungkooks hand under the table, jungkook signs his book "uh....have a good day..... sir" The fan smiles "my name is oli London!" Jungkook nods "uh hu.....I see....well uh....please move on to-"
He smiles widely "jiminie oppa!!"

I gulp and shuffle my chair back a little..... jungkook giggles a little and signs and talks to another fan.
Oli smiles widely "oppa I have a question for you.....as you can see.... we're basically twins....but I love you and I wanna marry you....I have this ring!"

He holds up a silver ring to me.
I hold back a laugh and sign his book "I'm sorry sir but I'm currently seeing someone...." He gasps "cheating on me?"
Jungkook joins the conversation and scoffs "it's not cheating if he wasn't with you in the first place.....and according to my research.....you are married to a cardboard cutout of MY Boyfriend...."

Oli steps back a little "I thought that was just fan service?....." I shake my head "also....I'm already married" Oli gasps "to who? And where's the ring?"
I giggle a little and then move my hand forward on the table

I'm already married" Oli gasps "to who? And where's the ring?" I giggle a little and then move my hand forward on the table

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"Im married to army....I have many many wives and husbands.....I'm very sorry.... but it was nice meeting you"
Oli grabs his book and walks away not saying a word.
I sigh "I feel bad...." Jungkook scoffs "why? He is a superfan who went too far....."

He looks at me "our message as bts is to love yourself.... not try and become someone else.....you shouldn't feel bad jimin, you simply said the truth...."
The girl in front of me now giggles "you're really married to all of army?"

I chuckle "of course....all of us are....use our names if you need to......but still remember to look for that one special person who will love you for the rest of your life" she smiles and I sign her book "thank you oppa" she walks away and I wave to her

We continue to interact with army and sign things. Jungkook stands up after all the signing is over and sighs "I saw a baby and I want to see the baby again" he walks to the edge of the stage and looks around.
Hoseok gasps "over there!" Jungkook gasps "awwwwww!"

The woman yells "YOU WANT A CUDDLE?" jungkook gasps again "I can?.....yes please" he jumps down off the stage and the woman walks to him holding a baby. The woman hands the baby to jungkook who holds it and looks at it smiling, he then looks at me and gestures for me to come over.

I hesitate but walk to him also jumping off the stage, I gasp when he hands the baby to me. I look down at it and smile, jungkook stands next to me and we both smile

We both giggle and then i hand the baby back to its mother "its a girl correct?" The woman nods "yes

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We both giggle and then i hand the baby back to its mother "its a girl correct?" The woman nods "yes...her name is jiyeon.....she's about 6 months old"
Jungkook giggles "she's very beautiful...." The woman smiles.

We both pout when Jin pulls us back onto the stage.
Namjoon chuckles "that wasn't allowed" jungkook Huff's "but hyung it was a cute baby and I could resist!" I gasp when suddenly someone jumps on me making me fall onto my butt.

I groan and then chuckle when I see Hana with her arms around my chest giggling "Appa!!" I stand up holding her "hello princess....you wanna stay for the rest of the fansign?" She nods.
We continue to interact with the fans and so does Hana. The fans love her and also ask her questions.

I understand some fans are obsessed....but that Oli London....he took it too far.... marrying a cardboard cutout??......that's just......weird.....
But I do feel bad....I hope he doesn't feel too sad.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now