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Jimins pov

I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes. I feel a weight on my lap. I look down to see jungkook cuddled up in a ball hugging my leg.
I wince a little...my head hurts like hell.
What happened last night...when did I end up here?

I jump a little when jungkook sits up and stretches and yawns....he's so cute.....
Wait...I can't think that....I have a girlfriend...
He looks at me "morning jiminie....." He stands up and then groans "dude I think you actually wrecked my spine..."

I tilt my head "what did I do?" He giggles "you came here drunk, hugged me, cried 'jungkookie done stop talking to me youre my best fwend' and then me and taehyung brought you to my room. I helped you change...I didn't have a shirt for you though...then you pushed me on the bed...and said-... nevermind...and then you fell asleep on top of me...and then I rolled you off and then you pulled me back and cried saying I was your 'best best fwend' and that you didn't want me to ever leave you....and then we both kinda fell asleep..."

I chuckle "so not that bad then...I thought I might've said something weird.."
He shakes his head "no.... nothing...anyway uh....I'll get you some water and painkillers for your headache and then you should probably go..."
I shake my head and cuddle up in his duvet "nope, I'm in pain so I'm staying here"

He rolls his eyes "you're such a child" he walks out the room.
I'm surprised I didn't say something stupid like I love him....to be honest with you....I've loved jungkook for years...but when Irene came to me and asked me out, it was in front of loads of people so I couldn't say no...but my feelings haven't gone away....I fell for my best friend....but he's not gay....he doesn't know I'm bisexual either.....I don't know how to tell him

Jungkooks pov

Of course what did I expect? Him to remember what he said....I'm such a dumbass..
I grab him some painkillers and a glass of water and then walk back to jimin who was now sat up on the phone to someone.

I put the water down on the night stand. I sit on the floor and jimin Huff's "Irene....yes im at Jungkooks....why don't you fucking trust me?!....you're at Jackson's now so what's the difference?!.....no you can't come barging into his home! He told you himself to fuck off so don't go near him!!........no he's my best friend.......ugh fuck off........ whatever", he hangs up and groans "dumbass girls"

He lays down on his back. I giggle "yeah..."
Jimin doesn't know I'm gay...but I guess I should tell him....right?

I gulp "jimin?" He looks at me and then takes the painkillers and  drinks the water "you didn't call me chim or jiminie......something's wrong", I look down "I have something to tell you"
He nods "okay?" I look at him "I'm....gay"

His eyes widen "you are?", I tear up "you're homophobic aren't you? I'm sorry!", He gasps and then grabs my hand and pulls me up to the bed, he sits me on his lap and hugs me "don't cry Kookie....this doesn't change anything.... we're still friends....best friends....and if it makes you feel any better....I'm bisexual"

My eyes widen and I wipe my tears "you are?", He nods "yep, I have been for years...I didn't know how'd you react", I blush a little "I'm glad we told one another...", He nods "me too...it just makes us even closer! We really are soulmates!"

I giggle "I thought that was you and taehyung?" He nods "oh shit yeah....shhhh he doesn't need to know" I laugh a little. He puts his hands on my waist making me blush more.
I look down "I should uh...get up" he shakes his head "no...stay",

His grip on my waist tightens. I gulp and then look at the wall "uh..." He sighs "do you have a crush on anyone jungkook?" I look at him, he lays down leaving me straddling him "I guess so..." He gasps "who?" I giggle "that's none of your business",

He pouts "but we're soulmates! You need to tell me" I shake my head "no I don't" he Huff's "fine...I won't force you" I smile and put my hands on his bare stomach.
I gasp a little "hold on a second....since when did you have abs?" I trace his abs with my finger.

His breath hitches "s-since staring football", I stop and giggle.
He gasps "hold on a second...you're in shorts...when did you change?"
I blush a little when he rubs his hands up and down my thigh, I stop him "I changed last night...." He nods "I see..."

We both stare at one another and thenhe reaches up and puts his hand on my cheek and pulls me down to him so we were inches away. I gasp "j-jimin-" he shakes his head "shhh, don't speak"
I stare into his eyes, his hand then goes to the back of my neck pulling me closer, we both close our ryes

 I gasp "j-jimin-" he shakes his head "shhh, don't speak" I stare into his eyes, his hand then goes to the back of my neck pulling me closer, we both close our ryes

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I blush bright red when.


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