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Jungkooks pov

I huff a little when some news reporters run up to me

"Why aren't you showing your baby bump?"
"How has jimin reacted?"
"Your fans are thrilled!"
"Are you going to retire to be a full-time mother?"

I scoff "of course I'm not.....look..." I push my bodyguard a little and stand in front of the news reporters "I'm not pregnant and I never have been.....me and Jimin have never-"

They all run to jimin who just got out a car with his bodyguards.

I sigh and walk inside the stadium (where we had just arrived)
I walk to yoongi and sigh "I don't want to do this anymore...."
He tilts his head "what do you mean? The band needs you" I sigh "no....not that......I don't want to be with jimin"

His eyes widen "what? Why?" I look at him "this whole fucking thing about the fake baby is getting on my nerves! Irene is making my life a living hell because I'm with jimin!!"

"So you want to break up because some bitch is being childish?....that's a stupid excuse jungkook...."

I nod "I know it is jimin but it fucking hurts.... everyday having my own fans telling me to take a break because it could harm the baby....it fucking hurts that I'm being told not to do things.....I can't do anything during Run episodes or anything! Because of this stupid fake baby!!!!"

He looks down "I thought you said we should ignore the hate" I nod "we should.....but this is crossing the line.....I'm sorry jimin" he walks to me "why don't we just....just say we broke up and not break up.......please jungkook I can't lose you....not again....."

I look at yoongi who shrugs and flops down on the couch.
I sigh and nod "alright.....but that means we'll have to pretend to not be together in public" he nods "of course.... but you'll still be mine right?" I giggle and nod


We all stand on stage. I step forward "army! We have some news!" Army go silent and my other hyungs (apart from jimin and yoongi) look at me confused.

I sigh "me and Jimin are no longer together....." Fans start to whisper things. I look down "we decided it was too much and we needed to focus on our work....."

I hear one girl yell "WHAT ABOUT THE BABY?!" I shake my head "there isn't a baby and there never has been....I was never pregnant in the first place.....I'm sorry"

Fans whisper things and start to 'boo'
My eyes widen and I step back looking at jimin who was looking down.
I wince a little when someone throws something on stage at me and it hits my stomach.
I look down at it and gasp a little.........it was a water bottle.....

I see security now all walking over to where it came from. I take a deep breath "have a fun concert guys...." I bow and then walk off stage leaving the other members confused and concerend.

"This is what happens when you mess with me jeon~"

I turn around to see Irene stood leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. I scoff "oh seriously fuck off Irene.....you've made everyone hate me, haven't you done enough?",

She smirks "nope~ you'll be broken when jimin finds out what you did" I tilt my head confused. She giggles and then walks away "have fun jeon~"
A staff member walks to me "jungkook go back on stage!"

I shake my head "no....just listen.....the cheers are back.....I'm now made out to be the bad guy again.....the one who 'lied' about a pregnancy.......I'm always made out to be worse than I am.....and I'm done! I'm done with it all! If they don't want me here then fine! I won't be here anymore!"

I hear the fans gasp.
I gasp "aha.....my mic was on.....wasn't it?" The staff member nods.
I take my mic off quickly and put on a big coat and a mask and walk out the stadium ignoring manager yelling my name.

This is all Irene's fault..............
My fans hate me........
I'm not allowed to be near jimin in public now.........
Hana is gonna hate me.........

My life keeps getting worse and worse....

((A/N: can you guys give me another idol to put in the fanfic????????))

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