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Jungkooks pov

"both of you won't be allowed out until you sort your shit out" Jin then slams the door and locks it.
Me and Jimin are now locked in my bedroom together....

I look at jimin "so...."
He looks at me "so.... uh....what should we do?"
I shrug "I don't know.....talk?"

We both gasp when we hear Taehyungs voice "NO! KISS AND THEN GET MARRIED!!" We then hear yoongi scould him.
I blush a little and jimin chuckles

We both sit on the bed.
I sigh "can i.....can I tell you about my daydream?" He nods "of course..."
I take a deep breath "it was....I dreamt that me and my crush went into my bedroom and we both confessed.....they were doubting themselves so I comforted them....we then agreed that we could make a relationship work if we both were strong....and just as we were about to kiss.....Jin snapped me out of it"

Jimin chuckles "that kinda sounds like my dream I had last night.....except I was the one who wanted to leave the band and my crush stopped me....but for me it was taehyung who snapped me out of it"

I tilt my head "say who it is on the count of three???" He nods "okay"





I gasp and then look away blushing. He puts his hand on top of mine "I guess it was our hearts telling us both to confess" I hesitate but look at him and nod "yeah....maybe...."
He smiles "uh......but this is real life....will it actually work?"

I shrug "i.....I don't know" he puts his hand on my cheek "I guess there's only one way to find out" I blush more and nod "yeah...I guess so"




He takes a deep breath "so.... Will you go out with me" I gulp "I uh......" I punch his arm making him wince a little "ow!" I giggle "sorry....I had to make sure you weren't dreaming" I pout when he flicks my forehead "owie" he smirks "it's not a dream"

I giggle.
I look at the door to see it's still locked.... nobody will Inturrupt..
I smile and then push him back so he's led on the bed. I climb on him so I'm sat straddling his thighs.
I then lean down and



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