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Jimins pov

I rush to the hospital and run to reception "jeon jungkook" the woman looks at me "uh....room 2069" I nod and run to the room to see Baekhyun stood outside the room pacing back and forth.

I walk to him and cross my arms "what happened?" He looks at me with tears rolling down his cheeks "I took him to a restaurant and he started panicking and he then got out the car and ran away....he wasn't looking and a car was speeding and couldn't slow down in time....he has broken ribs...a broken arm and fractured leg....he's might have internal damage as well....the doctors don't know if he'll make it"

I tilt my head "what restaurant did you take him to?", He gulps "uh...it was the sunrise restaurant near the coast?", My eyes widen "you took him there?!! No fucking wonder he was panicking!"
Baekhyun tilts his head "what's wrong with the restaurant?", I sigh "it's not my place to say..."

A nurse walks out the room. I walk to her "ma'am? How is he?" She looks at me "park jimin....uh...he's not doing too well...he has internal bleeding....we don't know if he'll make it....the car hit him with a lot of force...."

My eyes widen and I tear up "can we go in?", She nods "of course...." She walks away.
I look at Baekhyun who shakes his head "I can't go in..." I nod and walk into the room and more tears fall seeing jungkook led lifeless in a hospital bed, machines hooked into him.

I cover my mouth and cry more....no....
I walk to him and grab his hand holding it gently "come on Kookie....we have so much more to do....I need to see you play football remember?....you needed to teach me how to draw....we had so much more to do...."

I lean my head next to his hand "i should have never left....if I confessed before we would have been happy....and you wouldn't be here now....I'm so fucking sorry jungkook....I'll never leave you again....and that's a promise I'll keep...I'm not going anywhere"

More tears fall.
I hear the door open but I don't move. More and more tears roll down my face.
Someone rubs my back. I sit up and look at them "Hoseok-hyung..." He smiles sadly "the other hyungs are on their way...I'm so sorry jimin.... he'll get better"

More tears fall "the doctor says he might not make it...he's bleeding internally hyung!! What if he dies?! What if he leaves me?! I can't live without him hyung!!! I can't!!!....I love him hyung....I love him so fucking much"

Hoseok nods "I know you do jimin.... I know" he hugs me letting me cry on his shoulder.
I cry more and hug him tightly "why is it always jungkook?!" He rubs my back trying to calm me down.

I see the other hyungs walk in. I look at them and step back from hoseok. I see Jin crying. I run and hug him tightly. He hugs back and we both cry.
The other hyungs join in, taehyung doesn't, he stares at jungkook with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I look at him "taehyung-" he shakes his head "this has to be a prank....please...my friend isn't in a hospital bed dying....please tell me this is a joke!!", He looks at me and grips my shirt "tell me it's a joke jimin!!! Tell me!!!"

More tears fall from my eyes. I shake my head "it's not a joke..." He cries more and falls to his knees "no! It has to be! This can't be where it ends!! I need jungkook! We all need jungkook!!!"
I walk back to Jungkook and hold his hand again.

Yoongi pushes a chair to me "you're staying here right?" I nod "yeah" I sit down next to Jungkooks bed holding his hand.
Yoongi nods "then so are we....we won't leave until jungkook is sitting up laughing with us again"

I smile a little and nod.
Taehyung sits next to me with tears streaming down his cheeks "he doesn't deserve this" I shake my head "he deserves everything....the whole world and more.... everything he could ever want he deserves....he's an angel in disguise....the white rose in a field of red roses....the light when it's dark..... The person who kept everyone smiling and helping others love themselves"

I turn around a little to see Namjoon crying "he was always my little one....he need to wake up...."
I look around to see everyone crying. Yoongi was trying to hide it but we could all tell.

I cry more and lean my head next to Jungkooks hand again "wake up jungkook....we all need you....your fans need you....none of us can live without you.....please....I love you" I grip his hand tighter and close my eyes tightly.

I feel taehyung rubbing my back. I let my tears fall. We all stay silent the only sound heard is the machine beeping and the sniffles from all of us crying.

This is terrible....I need him to wake up....and when he wakes up I'll make sure nobody hurts him again.... nothing will ever harm him ever again...
I miss him so much already.....he can't die....he just can't.....he needs to fight.

Please jungkook,please open your eyes.....

Please jungkook,please open your eyes

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