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A few months later

Jungkooks pov

"WHY DID YOU HAVE SEX ON THE COUCH?! YOU HAVE PERFECTLY GOOD BEDS IN YOUR ROOMS!!!" Me and Jimin laugh listening to Jin scould taehyung, yoongi and Hoseok.

Hana has come around today and she's currently taking a nap in my bed.
Jin walks to us and glares at us both "don't follow In their footsteps....keep the sex in the bedroom... understand me?"
Jimin smirks "take that advice yourself hyung..... fucking in the bathroom isn't sanitary"

Jin blushes and I laugh, Jin looks at jimin "we didn't-"
Jimin raises an eyebrow "you did though....these walls aren't soundproof hyung...." Jin glares at jimin "oh shut up!" He walks into his and namjoons room and me and Jimin laugh.

Yoongi walks to us and Huff's "that wasn't fun" I giggle "just don't fuck on the couch hyung....it's simple and you won't get scoulded" he pouts "that's true....I did try and tell them both..... but you know how they both get when they want something they both get super-" I groan "ewwwww hyung too much information! I don't wanna know! I don't wanna know!"

Jimin laughs a little "Hana should be awake now....have fun getting scoulded hyung" me and Jimin walk into my bedroom to see Hana sat up on the bed holding a picture.
I walk to her and sir next to her "hey princess....what's wrong?" She looks at me "who's this??" She turns the picture to me

I smile a little "that was my old fri-" Jimin snatches the photo away and Huff "you two were still friends? You said you two would never make up again

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I smile a little "that was my old fri-"
Jimin snatches the photo away and Huff "you two were still friends? You said you two would never make up again.........I don't like him" I giggle "you have never liked him jimin...bam bam did nothing to you"

Jimin scoffs "he did plenty to me! In nursery! He bit me!" I laugh a little "jimin I bit you in nursery what's the deal?" Jimin shrugs "I didn't care if you did it! But bam bam just thought it would be funny! And then he tried to kiss you! Do you remember that?"

I giggle "I do remember that....you punched him in the Face" Hana gasps "Appa that wasn't nice" jimin pouts "but if I didn't punch him....me and Kookie wouldn't be together now" Hana gasps "then it's a good thing you punched him!" I laugh a little "he still doesn't know me and you are together"

He Huff's and grabs my phone from my pocket "you have his number right?" I nod "yep....go onto the contacts...I haven't messaged him in a while" he nods and then gasps "wait....you're allowing me on your phone?"

I nod "I have nothing to hide....go through it if you want" he shake his head "no it's just everyone else I've ever been out with hid their phones from me" I giggle "I have nothing to hide and I'm a loyal boyfriend"

He smiles and kisses my head. Hana climbs into my lap and giggles "can we do some drawing eomma?" I nod "definitely! I love art!"
Jimin chuckles "bam bam now knows we're together and so do all your other friends.....I sent them a photo with a message saying 'oh forgot to tell you all I'm with jimin now!' now they'll all know you're mine"

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now