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Jungkooks pov

I jump a little when my phone starts to ring. I pull it out and look at it and my eyes widen "wait.........





















Jimin???"  Taehyung squeals "ANSWER IT!!! ANSWER IT!! ANSWER IT!!!!" I wince a little "okay okay okay"

I accept the call and put it on speaker "hello?" I hear a gulp on the other side followed by jimins voice "jungkook?" I smile a little "the one and only....how can I help?" He sighs "I want to explain some things....can I possibly....come over....it's important...?"

I look at my hyungs who all nod vigorously. I hesitate but nod "uh yeah of course!....I'll send you my address alright?..." I hear jimin chuckle a little "alright....see you soon"

I hang up and gasp when hoseok squeals loudly "we'll all hide in the bedroom and listen in.!!! I need to know what he says!!!!" Jin nods "and if he says anything bad or mean I can walk out and beat him with a slipper"

I laugh a little "fine.... but only cause I'm genuinely scared to be alone with him" I send jimin my address and get an reply soon
Okay, I'll be over in 10 mins xx

I roll my eyes "Tae... seriously....calm down" he shakes his head "nope I am a jikook fanboy....don't judge me"

I tilt my head "you squashed mine and jimins name together?" He nods "yep!...well actually namjoon did" I look at namjoon who nods "I made it up when we were all way younger....ever since the day we all met you we knew you two would fall for one another"

I huff "you guys are being dramatic....he isn't just gonna turn up out of nowhere and confess he loves me...not gonna happen"  yoongi shrugs "I dunno if anyone would do that....it would be jimin"

I roll my eyes "plus didn't he marry that woman?", Hoseok tilts his head "no? That's his assistant" I nod "ohhhhh I see.....", They all nod.

Taehyung looks at me "is he bringing Hana?" I shrug "probably not since he said it was important so I guess not?....unless it's really bad news so he has to leave again with Hana?....I have no idea"

Yoongi smirks "important talk with you?....you two will definitely fuck" I gasp and throw a book at him "hyung!! Shut up!"
Jim Huff's "so much for you resting....as soon as jimin leaves I want you to sleep okay?"

I nod "yes hyung I promise" he smiles.
We all gasp when there is a knock on the door. I hesitate but yell "WHO IS IT?!" There is a short silence before I hear jimins voice "ITS JIMIN!....HANA IS A HOME WITH MY MOTHER AND FATHER!!"

Yoongi nods and whispers "100% gonna fuck" I shoo them all into the bedroom and close the door.
I then walk to the front door and gulp.

He's actually here......why so suddenly though?........

((A/N: sorry for the short chapter, something bad is happening at my home at the moment so I'm very distracted.... sorry 💜))

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