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A few months later

Jimins pov

I giggle seeing all the fans sat in their seats....we are currently at a fan sign.
We all walk out onto stage and stand next to one another....they put me and jungkook on opposite sides

they put me and jungkook on opposite sides

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............RM.. JK..JH.... V...SG...JM,.... J..........

We all then take a seat in the same order and the fans scream.
Jungkook grabs a microphone and smiles "hello army!!" The fans cheer louder making us all smile.

Taehyung yawns a little and looks down starting to fall asleep.
A fan yells "Taehyung-oppa!! Why are you sleeping?!" Taehyung looks up grabbing a microphone "I'm praying! I'm praying for this fan sign to be Amazing!"

I Chuckle a little and he puts his head down again.
The fans continue to yell. He Huff's and grabs the microphone again look at them "why are you inturrupting my praying? I've done plenty of fan signs in my time....let me pray!"

I laugh when the fans yell 'sorry oppa'
Taehyung then looks down again.
The fans start to come up to us. We sign things and interact with the fans.
Jungkook gasps "Hana!!" My eyes widen and I lean forward to see where jungkook was.

My eyes widen seeing Hana with my eomma stood talking to jungkook.
I giggle and continue signing other fans things.
Hana gets to me and smiles "hello Appa" I chuckle "hello baby girl....are you having fun with Grandma?", She nods

My eomma giggles "she brought you some cookies from home" Hana puts them on the table making me smile "thank you princess....you didn't give Kookie any did you?" She shakes her head "no Appa that's wrong....Kookie cant eat cookies" I laugh a little

The staff member goes to take the cookies but I stop them "no...no I want these here please..." They step back.
I lean forward and kiss Hana's head earning an 'awwwwwwe' from the fans, I smile"you coming to visit soon baby?" She nods "yeah!"

I sign her book she had on the table and Pass it on to Jin "bye baby" she waves "bye Appa" she moves on to Jin and I smile looking at the cookies.

We continue signing things. One girl looks at me "oppa?" I nod "yes?" She looks down a little "you know how you said before if you weren't an idol you wanted to be a police officer?" I chuckle and nod "I do remember yeah" she looks at me "I would steal things...I'd be a thief"

I laugh a little "you'd become a thief so I'd arrest you?" She nods. I smile and put both my hands on top of her and chuckle when she starts to blush like crazy.
I smile and then wave to her passing her book on to Jin, she waves back "thank you oppa" I smile and then shake my head "no....thank you"

Another fan stands in front of me with tears rolling down her face. I gasp and sign her book "don't cry...." She wipes her tears "sorry....it's just.... you've helped be through so much..... thank you"
I pout "don't cry or I'll start crying..." She giggles "sorry oppa"

I quickly wipe her tears "there we go....no more tears" she smiles "you've brought smiles to all of our faces....thank you oppa" I shake my head "don't thank me....this is why the band is here.... we're all here to make you love yourself....use us to love yourself...."
She nods and then moves on to Jin.

I continue signing when a fan says to me "oppa....it's going to break so many people's hearts when you get a wife and settle down"
I look down "want to know what the worst thing about being an idol is?" She tilts her head. I look at her and grab both of her hands "knowing one day we'll break so many hearts....but....one day....all of you will find people better than us....and we'll all be a fond memory"

Tears start to roll down her cheeks "all of us will be army forever.... we'll love you no matter what.....until our dying breaths" I smile "and we'll love you all....even when we dispand....all seven of us will still love you all...."

She smiles "thank you jimin..." I smile "no....thank you.." she moves on to Jin and I continue signing things and Interacting with fans.

We finish signing awhile. I smirk and eat one of the cookies Hana gave me.
Jungkook gasps "jimin you have cookies?!" I chuckle "yep! But you can't have them that would be canabalism"
He looks at me and then smirks "well I have mochi"

I gasp "swap?" He shakes his head "no jimin-shii that would be canabalism"
Fans laugh.
I huff and lean back in my chair.

We continue to interact with our fans.
Jungkook jumps up and down and giggles "hyung hyung hyung!" He hits me with a soft plushie.
I huff and stand up quickly grabbing it from him.
He laughs when I start to hit him gently with it.

I gasp a little when one girl screams "JIKOOK!!!" I smile and jungkook looks at me and laughs a little.
We continue the fan sign for ages until it's time to leave. We day goodbye and then make our way home with Hana as well.
Loads of fans room photos of Hana and my eomma as well.

Luckily they both had masks on and hats so it'll be a struggle to see their faces....

Today was fun!.
Jungkook leans his head on my shoulder "did you hear the girl scream jikook?" I laugh a little and nod "yeah....people suspect we're a couple.......but then others think me and Yoongi are a couple"

Yoongi fake gags "ewwwwww" I roll my eyes and sarcastically say "thanks hyung I love you too"
Jungkook nods "and some fans think I'm with taehyung" taehyung laughs "and some think I'm with jimin"

Hoseok giggles "there are quite a few that ship all seven of us together" I chuckle "it's funny to see some of the things the fans create though... especially on wattpad"
Namjoon laughs and nods "some of the fanfics on there are.......wow" .

Jungkook laughs "they need namjesus" namjoon groans "let's stop that" hoseok nods "and some Hobi water" Jin looks at namjoon "why can't you just accept the funny name like Hobi?"
Namjoon rolls his eyes "alright Mr. Worldwide shoulders"

Jin smirks "I love my shoulders so go find something else to try" namjoon rolls his eyes and chuckles.
I look at Jungkook "jungkook is bunny" jungkook giggles and nods "you're mochi" I huff and nod "yep....Yoongi is lil meow meow"
Yoongi Huff's "how am I like a cat?" Jungkook laughs "how are you NOT like a cat hyung?" Yoongi rolls his eyes

We all laugh together until we arrive home and we all walk inside with Hana and my eomma....
This is amazing.....my life cant get any better.......

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now