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Jungkooks pov

I walk into school the next morning dressed in

I walk into school the next morning dressed in

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I grab my bag and walk to my locker. I gasp when someone pins me to my locker. I look up to see momo one of the cheerleaders

She smirks "who's your boyfriend....and since when are you gay?!" I tilt my head "what?....I have a boyfriend....and who told you I'm gay?" She nods "and i want to know it is! So then I can steal him from you!...you seem to be infecting people with gay so I need to stop you!"
I huff and push her away and open my locker "where did you hear this information?"

She crosses her arms "from jimin and Irene" I roll my eyes and then gasp "wait...jimin?" She nods "yeah, he said he saw someone in your room yesterday...you sat on their face....I didn't know you were gay"

I slam my locker shut "HE WHAT?!" I walk past her and to jimins classroom, I open the door and growl "park jimin. Talk.NOW" everyone in the room was looking at me. Jimin gulps "jungkook-" I glare at him "I didn't give you a choice"

He stands up and follows me, I walk to the back of school and then push him against the wall "WHAT THE FUCK US WRONG WITH YOU?!" He gasps "whoa! What's happening here? What did I do?"  Tears roll down my cheeks "you fucking going around saying you saw someone in my room! Saying I sat on their face!!...telling everyone I'm gay...Who does that?! I thought we were friends!!"

He tilts his head "I never said-"
"JIMIN-SHII~" more tears roll down my cheeks as Irene walks over hugging jimins arm.
She looks at me "where's your boyfriend kook?"
I look down "I thought better of you jimin....turns out over time...you've changed into an asshole....stay the fuck away from me...I mean it this time... you've ruined everything"

He goes to speak but Irene kisses him, I walk away with tears running down my cheeks.
I walk to my locker and see the art club stood there, IN looks at me and opens his arms for a hug, I run to him and hug him and cry on his shoulder.

Yoongi sighs "jungkook...people will forget ab-",
I push IN away "you guys have to leave...", They all gasp "what?"
I nod "I don't want you guys to get bullied....being friends with a gay person isn't good for your reputation"

Yeonjun sighs "you coul always just deny it?" I sigh and shrug "even if I did...who would believe me over the two most popular people in school....I'm sorry to do this....but please...all of you...stay away from me"
I walk away from them and to my class.

I see taehyung walking towards me. I shake my head and look down.
He stops in front of me "jungkook....why didn't you tell me?", I look at him as tears roll down my cheeks "because I didn't want to be judged! I told the wrong person! And he turned out to be an asshole...."

His eyes widen "kook....I'm sure it wasn't jimin-" I scoff "I only told jimin!! I don't even know why I fucking liked him in the first place!"
My eyes widen when I hear a familiar laugh. I turn around to see the cheer team stood behind me.

Joy laughs "Irene did you hear that? The nerd likes your boyfriend! It is true!"
I look down and more tears roll down my cheeks.
Taehyung puts an arm around me, mina gasps "tae no!you'll turn gay if you touch it!"

I push taehyung away "goodbye hyung....Tell the other footballers to stay away from me as well..." I look back at the cheerleaders to see them laugh.

I walk into the art room and the teacher looks at me "oh dear....are you okay?" I shake my head and more tears fall "he was my best friend miss....and then he does this!" She sighs and hugs me "it's alright dear...do you want to stay in here today? I'll email your teachers"

I nod "yes please...but...don't let anyone in...not even the art club", she tilts her head "but they're your friends" I sigh "I don't want them......to worry about me..." She nods "alright....I'm going to get a coffee...you set up for your day" I nod again

She then walks out the room.
I sigh and pull a canvas out and set it up, I pull my paints out and then put on a old shirt that I don't mind getting paint on.
I grab my paintbrush and then a cup of water.

I stand in front of the canvas and sigh. I jump a little when I hear the teachers voice "let the paintbrush do the work....put some music on...and let your heart decide what to paint" I look at her and she smiles. I nod and grab my phone and put it on with some music on

I then let my paintbrush move freely letting my heart take over and tell me what to paint.
Once I finish I step back and huff

I hear my teacher sigh, she walks over to me "you really love him that much?" I shake my head "not anymore" I grab some black paint and flick it all over the painting

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I hear my teacher sigh, she walks over to me "you really love him that much?" I shake my head "not anymore" I grab some black paint and flick it all over the painting. I then grab my phone and bite my lip when I see my lockscreen

 I then grab my phone and bite my lip when I see my lockscreen

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I look down and then put my phone in my pocket "miss...can I go get some paint From my locker?" She nods "of course...I'll be in here marking work alright?" I nod "thank you"

I walk out the room and my breath hitches when I see jimin stood by my locker...dammit I need to get there!
I see him facing away from my locker so I quietly walk to my locker and open it. He sighs "jungkookie we need to talk"
I take some more paint out my locker and shake my head "we have nothing to talk about jimin....and it's jungkook to you now.... goodbye",

I walk back to the art room but he grabs my hand "jungkook! Just listen to me!!" I look at him and he had tears in his eyes "please..." I hesitate

((A/N: Should jungkook listen to him???))

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