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Jungkooks pov

I walk out my bedroom and run to yoongis room and bang on the door "hyung open up!!! Open open open open open!!!!"
I hear a loud groan and then the door opens revealing a tired Yoongi.

He Huff's "what? It's 3am" I nod and look around to make sure the others weren't up "I need to talk to you....", He Huffs "fine....come in" I walk Into his room and be closes the door again and sits on his bed.

I stand by the window and sigh "I have a problem" he nods "alright?" I look down "I still love jimin...." He nods again "uh hu....and I'm supposed to be surprised?"
I glare at him "Hyung!..... I thought I got over him....and now...the feelings are back and I don't know what to do"

He Huff's "look kook I'll be honest with you.....just go and tell him....he likes you too.... you'll be a couple and you can stop whining" I look at him "we can't be a couple....our manager-" he scoffs "so what?....me,hoseok and.....I guess taehyung are still together and so are namjoon and Jin....why can't you and jimin?"

I shrug and look down "I don't know hyung.....what if he doesn't like me back?" He groans "THAT'S IT!" I gasp when he stands up and grabs my hand.
He pulls me out the room and to jimins room. I gasp again "Hyung, both him and taehyung are drunk"

Yoongi shrugs "a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts" yoongi opens the bedroom door and pulls me inside.
Jimin and taehyung were led together cuddling.
Yoongi glares at them a little and then grabs a pillow and hits them both "WAKY WAKY!!!"

I giggle a little when they both sit up groaning. Jimin looks at yoongi "the fuck dude?" Yoongi rolls his eyes "I have a question....do you love jungkook?", Jimin nods "yeah.....











who doesn't?... we're best friends! Of course I love him! Just like you do!" I smirk "told you hyung..." Yoongi holds his hand up to me telling me to shut up.
I huff, he then looks at jimin "do you want to date jungkook?"
Jimin goes to speak when taehyung starts to wake up, he wraps his arms around jimins waist and smiles "I love you so so much.....my jiminie~"

Yoongis eyes widen.......oh no.....
I quickly grab yoongis hand and pull him out the room closing the door.
Yoongi looks at me and I shrug they're together..."
Yoongi shakes his head "we don't KNOW that", I raise my eyebrow "I caught them kissing earlier hyung....they're probably together....but you have Hobi! So it's all okay"

I turn away "anyways I should get going to bed....I'll get at least two hours sleep" yoongi sighs "you deserve better than him Kookie" I look back at him "I just don't really think I want to date anymore.....ever....I'm okay on my own....I have army with me right?" He nods and then ruffles my hair "night kook"

I smile and walk to my room and close the door.
I look down.....to be honest....I knew one day those two would get together....so I'm not even suprised.......I have army anyway! And as long as I have army then I don't need anyone else!

I sit down at my desk and start to listen to music and wrote lyrics for another song. I'll get namjoon or Yoongi to look at it....later on.
Jin is gonna beat me for staying up all night....but y'know....who actually sleeps these days?..

The next morning

I walk out my room after changing my outfit

I walk to the kitchen seeing Jin and namjoon sat down at the table

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I walk to the kitchen seeing Jin and namjoon sat down at the table.
I hesitate and walk in, they both look at me "jeon jungkook"
Ah fuck I'm in trouble.....what have I done wrong this month?

I didn't clean the dishes last week.......
I kept yelling at 3am a few nights....
I wouldn't listen when they told me to shut up.....
Aish...I've done a lot of things now I think of it...

I turn to them "good morning my amazing and handsome hyungs!" Namjoon chuckles "you aren't in trouble kook" I tilt my head "I'm not?....then why did you sound like I was in trouble? You said my name"

Jin nods "yes jungkook because we need to talk.....all of us, now sit and wait for the others to wake up" I hesitate but sit down next to jin "about what?" Namjoon looks at me "you'll find out when the others wake up"

I huff and lean back in my chair with my arms crossed.

About 45 minutes later

Yoongi walks out to the kitchen and then stops looking at us all "ah fuck what have I walked into?" Jin gestures for him to sit down "please have a seat....we all need to talk"
I look at hoseok who shrugs.

I was next to Jin and jimin and then taehyung was on one end of the table and then namjoon, hoseok and Yoongi the opposite side of the table as well (we rotate who sits at the end of the table because me and taehyung usually argue about it)

Taehyung looks around "uh.... namjoon-hyung wanna switch seats so you can-"
Yoongi Inturrups "no....Jin....you swap seats....you're the one who called the meeting" I look down and huff.

Jin and taehyung switch seats so now I'm in between taehyung and jimin....what...fun....
Namjoon sighs "okay...Jin...want to start?" Jin nods "indeed.....








((A/N: what could the talk be about???))

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