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Jungkooks pov

I stay led down with jimin led in between my legs with his head on my stomach. I play with his hair and smile, he looks up at me "baby?" I giggles "yeah?" He smiles "can you sing to me?" I nod and then he lays his head down again, he still has tears rolling down his cheeks. I continue to stroke his hair and kiss his head and then start to sing

I smile hearing his snores. I kiss his head "sleep well hyung I love you" I wipe his tears and wince a little when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach but I ignore it.
I smile more when yoongi walks into the room and chuckles "he's never gonna let you go"

I giggle and nod "I know.... however I need a piss" yoongi laughs a little "just push him off" I shake my head "no....he's been sitting by my side ever since I've been in the hospital so he deserves his cuddles.....he even started to cry"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and then gasps when the door flies open and Hana runs in and jumps on me and Jimin making us both groan and waking jimin up.
Hana looks at me "EOMMA!!!" I laugh a little and hug her and jimin tightly. Jimin smiles amd hugs both me and Hana "I've missed these cuddles"

Hana looks at me "is my baby sister okay?" I kiss her head "it might not be a girl but yeah the baby is okay" she giggles "I don't want a brother eomma! I want a sister so we can play dress up! Boys are gross!" Jimin nods "I agree....boys are gross...."

I look at him and raise my eyebrow, he smiles "except for you baby" I nod "that's what I thought" we all jump when the others run into the room "JUNGKOOK!!!!!!"

I gasp when they all push jimin on to the floor and yoongi grabs Hana and holds her and I laugh when all the others hug me tightly. I hug back and smile "I'm okay guys...." Jin looks at me "I tried to push you out the way" I nod "I know but I would have rathered me get hurt than you hyung"

He sighs "I'm your hyung I should have protected you" I shake my head "that's not true hyung.....you don't need to protect me all the time.....protect number one....which is yourself" he kisses my head "the baby is okay right?" I nod "yes the baby is fine....however my baby isnt....you pushed him on the floor"

Jimin stands up off the floor and shoves the others away from and lays in between my legs again with his head on my stomach.
Taehyung smirks "already between his legs again jimin?"

I blush and then laugh a little when jimin chucks a shoe at him making him scream a little. I smile and play with jimins hair and Hana sits next to me leaning against me making me smile and kiss her head "we're all okay now..."

Hoseok nods "and if any fans hurt you again I will personally find the fans and end them all" we all stare at hoseok who smiles innocently

"I'm just saying"Namjoon Huff's "that's it hoseok! No more alone time with yoongi!" Yoongi nods "uh hu every time one of the younger ones say something sarcastic or mean I'm always the one to blame"

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"I'm just saying"
Namjoon Huff's "that's it hoseok! No more alone time with yoongi!" Yoongi nods "uh hu every time one of the younger ones say something sarcastic or mean I'm always the one to blame"

Jimin nods "cause you're normally the one who influences us....you better not do it to hana-" I cut him off "or you'll have me to deal with....she is a pure and innocent soul so either teach her nice things or don't teach her anything at all"

Hana giggles and then lays down with jimin. I gasp when jimin lifts my shirt up so my stomach is uncovered. He puts his hand on my stomach and Hana copies him. Jimin smiles "I can't wait to meet you....." Hana giggles "my cute baby sister!"

I smile and then look at the others who were all watching them both. Jimi kisses my stomach and whispers "nobody else will hurt you or your eomma....I will keep you safe I promise...." He looks up at me and smiles and then whispers again looking back at my stomach "your eomma is a very beautiful person....he almost lost his chance with me a few years ago-"

I gently hit the back of his head making him laugh a little "I expected that" he kisses my stomach again and whispers "but in all honesty your eomma is the best person in my life and you will grow up with an amazing eomma...and an amazing big sister who will love and help care for you....but me and you have to make a deal....we share your eomma...and you need to remember that he was my boyfriend before he was your mother meaning I get him more than you"

I huff and gently hit his cheek "park jimin" he laughs a little and looks at Hana "you wanna talk to them?" She nods and then lays down on her stomach and kisses my stomach making me giggle and then she whispers "when you get here me and you will play dress up and play with my teddies....we will play together all the time! And bake cookies with eomma and then go to their concerts and meet all their cook fans.......you better be a girl or I won't okay with you"

We all laugh a little. I pull my shirt down "okay that's enough talking to baby today...."

We all end up talking about finding out he people who shot me and about if I should continue in the band or not

I continue to feel a sharp pain in my stomach but I ignore it thinking it's nothing...

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