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Jimins pov

"Princess! We need to go and visit some of my other friends alright? Do you want to come?", I walk to the lounge where Hana was.
She looks at me and nods "yeah!"

I pick her up and look at Mr and Mrs jeon "I'll be back later with some friend's is that okay? I have a feeling they'll be able to cheer jungkook up..." Mrs jeon nods "what's wrong with him??? Why is he so upset?"

I look down "we both....had an argument" she nods "I see...."
I walk out the house with Hana and take my phone out and phone namjoon. He picks up "hello?", I smile a little "hey Joon..." He gasps "jimin! Fine over! Everyone is here!" I chuckle "be right there"

I hang up and make my way to namjoons house. I knock on the door when I arrive and the door flies open revealing suho. I smile "hey....i need to talk to you all..." He nods and opens the door.
I walk in still holding Hana.

I see everyone sat in the lounge. They all turn to me and gasp "jimin!!!!"
Chen stands up and gasps "is this your daughter?" I nod and put Hana down "baby girl....these are your uncles..." Hana hugs my leg and waves.

I chuckle and then look at Jin who was sat on namjoons lap. He stands up "somethings wrong....", I nod and tear up "jungkook...." His eyes widen "what's wrong?!", I bite my lip to stop me from crying and u look down

Jin walks to me "let's talk in the other room.....Hana....can you go get some cookies from the kitchen for Appa?" Hana nods and then walks into the kitchen with minho.

I Burst out crying and I hug Jin tightly "I've lost him! He won't ever talk to me again!! I fucked up....and now I've lost my best friend" he rubs my back "what happened chim...." I look at him "we....we had sex.." his eyes widen "oh no...."

Jackson smirks "so you cheated on your wife?" I look at him "oh shut the fuck up! You're probably fucking Irene behind my back anyway!!! So SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I SLIT YOUR THROAT!!" His eyes widen.

Taehyung gasps and runs to me "whoa...chim calm down..." I turn to him and cry more "he scribbled himself out of photos....he's not the same....I want jungkook back! My jungkook back! The one who would tell at me for not doing homework the would bunk off school with me! The one who would brighten up everyones day!......the jungkook I fell in love with"

Taehyung wraps his arms around me and rubs my back "it'll be okay....calm down"
Hana walks over to us and I look at her. She holds something up to me. I hesitate but take it and look at it

 I hesitate but take it and look at it

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My breath hitches "he kept this?." Hana giggles "a whole box is full with photos and things!",
Felix nods "everything to do with your friendship is in a box under his bed...from photos to childish underwear you got him as a joke....he kept it all"

I wipe my tears and crouch down to Hana and kiss her head "im so sorry baby girl....but I might leave eomma" she smiles and nods "I'll stay with you!" I pick her up and hug her nodding "of course....i need to ring grandad first"

I look at Jin "can you...talk to jungkook?...I think he needs you all there for him" Jin puts a hand on my shoulder and nods "he'll also need you there....ring your father and then we'll all come with you to break it off with Irene and then we'll all go visit jungkook okay?"

I nod "okay...." I pull my phone out and ring my father. He picks up "hello"
I take a deep breath

"Appa....we need to talk...."

"Okay....what's wrong son?"

"I want a divorce with Irene....she is forcing me to do things and threatening my best friend.....if I HAVE to marry someone I will find that person on my own....please understand father....I'm not happy at all",

"Son.....the company-"

"Is the company worth more that your son's happiness?"

"No of course not!.....I'll send the divorce papers over to Irene and all she has to do is sign them and then you'll be separated....but son....please find someone before you graduate....the company is too big to handle alone"

"I know father.....thank you for understanding.."

"I love you son....and I'm proud of you"

"I love you too Appa..."


I hang up and look at Hana who smiles sweetly at me. I then look at Jackson "okay.... answer me truthfully....are you with Irene?" He sighs and nods "only for a few days....she said you don't pleasure her anymore..."

I roll my eyes "whatever....i knew she'd run back to you....but she's yours now...Well....after she signs the divorce papers....but one thing Jackson....don't flirt with jungkook again", he nods "yes jimin..."

I look at Jin "shall we go?" He nods.
We all walk out the house..

Time to break it off with Irene....and try and get my friendship back with jungkook.....
I just hope jungkook will forgive me.....I need my best friend back.....I can't live without him......

But first.....getting rid of Irene.....the divorce should be simple....all she has to do is sign a paper and we're not married anymore..... normally I'd say no to divorce....but....I'm not happy and she hurts both me and Hana....AND she Cheated on me.....so.....fuck her....I'm not staying with her....

But i feel bad.........is this the right decision?

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