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Jungkooks pov

"hold on....new singer?" Yoongi nods and points behind me. I turn around and my eyes widen "wait...j-










Jennie?!", She smiles "hey Kookie" I gasp and run and hug her "when did you get back?!", She giggles and hugs back "last week...I haven't even seen jimin yet"
I step back and smile "I'm so happy you're back"

Jennie is jimins older sister, she left to go to England for a few years...she would always buy me and Jimin Ice cream and play with us both when we were younger.

She waves at army "I'm jennie!" Army cheer for her.
I look at my hyungs who smile. I giggle and then grab Jennie's hand and pull her to center stage "wanna sing?" She nods "of course I do!",

We all walk to the side of the stage and the music starts and backup dancers run on stage making me giggle

We all watch her and once she finishes we all clap....she's amazing!!

he looks at me and giggles. The dancers run off stage and I walk to her and smile "you were awesome....wanna sing some more?" She smirks "with all of you?.... definitely!",

We all stand center stage and start to sing and dance.
Once we finish we all bow as army cheer.
I wave "bye army!!! Have. Safe journey home!!! We'll see you all soon!! Love you all!!!!",
We all walk around the stage waving to the fans as they leave.

Once the last fans leave we all walk backstage and laugh while changing our clothes and taking our mics off.
I change into some black jeans and white shirt.
Jennie walks in "hey kook-", I giggle and hug her "I can't believe you're actually back!"

She hugs back and sighs "yeah...how's jimin? I haven't Hurd from him" I sigh and step back "I have no idea....I don't bear from him either.... I don't know what's gotten into him...." She shrugs "this is just how jimin is....it was amazing singing with you all we should definitely do it soon again....."

I nod "definitely!....are you with the same company?" She shakes her head "no actually I'm with YG entertainment" I nod "so cool....I'm with a small company at the moment....but they're thinking of transfering us to BIGHIT so your father will be our manager"

Jennie giggles "good luck with that" I nod. I gasp when someone runs to me and hugs me from behind.
I turn around and gasp "Hana!!!" She giggles "kookie!!!" I smile and ruffle her hair "how are you?" She nods "I'm fine...you guys were awesome!!"

Jennie looks at her and gasps "is this jimins daughter?" I nod "yeah this is Hana....Hana this is appa's sister so your aunty"
Hana giggles "Hiya!" She waves at Jennie who waves back "she looks so much like jimin"

I nod "yeah...." I sigh "where is your appa Hana?" She pouts "at work....he has barley been home! I'm here with Grandma" I nod "I see....can I go see him?", Mrs park walks over "Hana don't run off like that!" I giggle "she's okay Mrs park",

Mrs park looks up and then looks at Jennie and gasps "Jennie?! You're home?....it was actually you on stage!!" Jennie nods "hello eomma..." Mrs park hugs her and I smile. Jennie hugs back "it's amazing to see you again eomma....did you like the performance?" Mrs park nods "of course I did!!"

I giggle and look down. Mrs park looks at me and grabs my hand "jimin sends his apologies...he tried his best to get off work...but you know how my husband is" I sigh and nod again "yeah....of course...",

I turn away and walk to namjoon who hugs me "it's okay kook I'm sure he was watching someone's live stream at home" I scoff "this is jimin we're talking about....when he's at work he never gets distracted......but it's fine....I understand why he couldnt be here..."

I grab my things and say goodbye to the stylists and the others and then walk out with my bodyguards to the car.
I get in the car on my own and look out the window and then open it and wave to the fans outside the stadium.

The driver looks at me through the mirror "straight home?", I nod "yeah please" he nods and then starts to drive. I've got multiple things to do at home today....

We arrive at my house and I climb out and thank him and then walk inside. I close the door behind me and huff walking to my room. I drop all my stuff on the floor and flop onto my bed.

I had hope that jimin would come and watch my concert.... I'll be traveling around the world soon....today was my last concert in Korea for awhile....
I guess he's busy so I shouldn't bug him too much....

Jimins pov

(A few minutes earlier during the concert)

I'm such an asshole....
I lean my head on my desk watching the live stream of Jungkooks concert under the desk and then gasp quickly hiding my phone when my father walks in. He crosses his arms making me sit up "hello father....I'm almost done with all the paperwork"

He nods "I see....your sister is back in town....she is working with YG entertainment....she is coming to visit Tomorrow morning understand jimin?" I nod "yes father..." He nods "and turn that livestream off!"
I huff and he holds his hand out for my phone.

I hand it to him hearing Jungkooks voice singing. He then walks out the room.
I chuck a book at the door once it closes "fuck you!!",
I slump down in my chair..
I fucking hate my father at this moment...he made me do paperwork so I couldn't go to Jungkooks concert....this is his last one in Korea for ages!

And I missed it!!! He's gonna hate me so much!!
I tried and tried to say no to my father but he kept yelling and he stood in front of the door so I could leave and he locked the buildings front doors so I couldn't exit the building!!.
My father always puts business in front of family.....

I feel so fucking bad....

I'm so so sorry jungkook.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now