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Jungkooks pov

I sit in my room with my arms crossed.....I'm so pissed right now....I just need to calm down...
I groan a little when Jimin walks in "jungkook-"
I cut him off "shut up....I'm calming down"

He gasps "calm down and don't fucking tell me to shut up Jungkook!" I look at him "don't fucking tell me to calm down when you were just giving flirtatious eyes to edits of you with your FUCKING EX-WIFE!!!!"

Jimin goes to say something but the others all walk in. we both look at them.namjoon looks down "we need to talk...."
They all sit down.
I sit on my bed and glare at Jimin when he sits next to me.

Taehyung looks down "the fans heard everything....about your relationship and the things with Irene....manager phoned us-"
I gasp "the camera was turned off!!" Jin looks down and shakes his head "no....I pressed the wrong button".

Namjoon sighs "now jikook is trending on twitter....so is your relationship drama....fans are worrying a lot because you were both arguing....and many fans are curious about the whole situation with Irene"

Jimin nods "what did manager say?" Yoongi sighs and looks at us both





"You need to break up....it's too dangerous for our group...."

Our eyes widen. Hoseok sighs "we're so sorry guys...."
I look at jimin who was looking down "no.....this can't happen....we JUST got together....can't we just fake if?"

Namjoon shakes his head "we're sorry chim.....it's too risky..." I nod "so it's basically a choice....the band....or our relationship?"
Jin nods "basically...." I tear up a little and nod "then....we have no choice"

Jimin looks down "will we be allowed to be friends?" Hoseok nods "you won't be able to cling to one another though..... we're so sorry guys....we wish we could help" I stand up and shake my head "it's for the band....for...for army"

Tears roll down my cheeks and I walk to the bathroom.....
It didn't last long.... but it ended on an argument....if i wasn't so childish and If I didn't get pissy because of some edits this wouldn't have happened.....this is all my fault.....

Jimins pov
A few minutes later

Me and jungkook are now in front of the camera ready to explain everything.
i sigh and I turn it on and army's join immediately and we both look at the screen

 i sigh and I turn it on and army's join immediately and we both look at the screen

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Comments rush in. Jungkook looks down "as you all know....me and Jimin....were in a relationship....it wasn't for very long....and-" tears roll down his cheeks making my heart break.

I look at the camera "and.... we've broken up....me and jungkook are no longer a couple.....we have agreed to both stay in BTS...and we will be friends.... this won't make any differences in the band.....we just needed to discuss this with you..."

Jungkook nods "yeah....and the thing about Irene....she was a main cheerleader at our school....her and jimin went out for most of school....they got married and had a beautiful daughter called Hana..."

I nod "I realized in the end that I wasn't happy and meorher was Hana so I got a divorce....some other things happened and I finally got with jungkook....but like we said.....we are no longer together....no members are in a relationship....."

Jungkook takes a deep breath "we should go now army..... we're very sorry....we love you all....goodnight...or good morning" he waves and I smile a little "bye army!! Love you!!" I turn it off and make sure it's off this time.

I look at Jungkook "so...it's actually over" he nods and stands up "it's over....it was nice while it lasted.....you should head to bed though jimin" I nod "yeah....okay....uh goodnight" he nods "night"

I walk out the room and my tears roll down my cheeks. I see yoongi waiting by my room. I walk to him and he looks at me "oh chim.... it'll be alright" I shake my head "I've lost him....all because of some stupid edits!!!"
He hugs me and rubs my back while I cry on his shoulder....

I never wanted this to happen....Hana is going to hate this so much.....
I already miss him in my arms so much....

Jungkooks pov

I slide down my door after locking it and I bring my knees to my chest and cry....

This is all because I got jealous over some stupid edits.....I'm so stupid....and now we aren't allowed to be together at all.....
This is all my fault....

I miss being in his arms already........


Kathy moved her hand!!! She's going to be okay!!!.....we hope.....
It might only Be a small sign of her waking up but it's still a sign and I'm praying that she'll wake up soon.....
It hurts seeing her like this....

I really hope she wakes up soon....I can't live without her 💜💜💜💜💜



I miss her jokes, I miss her laugh and how she would always fall over when laughing....how she would argue with me about stupid things.....
I just miss her so much and I honestly don't know what I'll do if she doesn't wake up.....I won't cope

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now