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Jimins pov

I look out the small window of the plane as it takes off.
Tears roll down my cheeks fast

I won't be able to see jungkook, hear his laugh, see his smile, look at his beautiful doe eyes, hear his jokes....hear his voice....for years......
I don't want to go without him.

I love him!!! And my parents are pulling me away from him! So I can take over BIGHIT and marry to some snobby woman I have never met.....
If I marry....I want to marry someone I love....not because I have to take over my parents shitty business
I want to marry jungkook......but I guess I can't now.....

It hasn't even been a few hours without jungkook but I'm already struggling....his bunny smile was the only thing keeping me going......
I can't lose him.....

I stare at the pink bunny he gave me and then hug it close to my chest and even more tears fall...
I'll come back to you jungkook.....

Jungkooks pov

It's currently 3am.... meaning jimins on the plane....I haven't slept because I've been crying....I've been sat on the edge of my bed staring out the window at jimins bedroom window
I already miss him so much.

I jump a little when Yeonjun walks into my room "hey...." I look at him "hey...you should be asleep" he sits next to me on my bed facing the window "I Hurd you crying....I thought maybe I could comfort you",

I look at him and more tears fall "I already miss him so much....his laugh....his eyes....his smile...his adorable chubby cheeks....his dumb flirting.... everything....I miss him so much" I cry more.

Yeonjun hugs me tightly and rubs my back "I know you do.....we all miss him" I lean my head on his lap and he plays with my hair "but he'll come back one day....and that's the day you have to look forward to.... you'll both run and hug one another...."

I look up at him "why does it hurt so much?" Yeonjun smiles "because love is a painful thing....you love jimin and jimin loves you.....your love is strong....it will get through this.....keep your head up and don't cry....keep your tears for the day you meet again and make them happy tears.....he will return to you kook....and you'll both be happy....",

I sit up and then stand up and grab my jacket "I'm gonna stay over in jimins room tonight....to help me calm down" yeonjun nods "we'll all be here in the morning alright?" I nod and smile.

I walk out my room putting my jacket on, I walk nextdoor and knock on the door.
I'm surprised when Mrs park opens the door. She sighs "hello Kookie....you here to stay in jimins room?",
I bite my lip to stop me from crying and nod.

She nods and opens the door "come on in dear.... you're always welcome here...." I smile a little and walk in and immediately jimins scent of his deodorant hits me.
Tears roll down my cheeks.
Jimins mother hugs me "he'll return one day dear"

I nod "I know....can I...stay the night?" She nods "of course....you know where his room is" I nod again and then walk to jimins room. I hesitate but open the door and smile a little and walk inside the room.

I look around the room. It's messy..... exactly like jimin left it...
I giggle a little with tears still streaming down my cheeks when I see he hasn't even made his bed, I look around and my breath hitches seeing a photo frame on his desk. I walk to it and pick it up and smile a little

 I walk to it and pick it up and smile a little

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This was a gift I gave him for his birthday....

I smile a little and put it down then I sit on his bed and then grab his pillow and hug it tightly to my chest.....
Please come back soon jimin.....I can't live without you......
I love you too much to let you go.

I lay down in his bed and cuddle up in his duvet and I let more tears fall as I keep hugging his pillow and close my eyes.
His scent is around me, it feels like he's here with me......
But then......
When I open my eyes I'm faced with reality....

He's gone....and he won't be back for years.....
Not even a day away from him and I'm not coping.....
I miss him so much.....but im sure he misses momo more than he misses me....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now