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Jimins pov

I hesitate but open the door and my eyes widen and my whole world stops seeing.






































jungkook holding a very small baby which had a few machines around and things in his arms and then a feeding tube.
My whole world stops and I stare at them, Jungkooks at me and smiles "jimin"

I walk to him "is this-" he nods "this is our baby boy.... he's premature so that's why his skin is still red, but hopefully he'll survive and grow up strong" I gasp and then hold his hand....well he holds my finger "it's so small...."

Jungkook nods and then moves a little "look at his feet" I look at his feet and smile "they're tiny"

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Jungkook nods and then moves a little "look at his feet" I look at his feet and smile "they're tiny"

Jungkook nods and then moves a little "look at his feet" I look at his feet and smile "they're tiny"

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A midwife walks in and smiles "have you got a name for him?" Jungkook looks at me. I shrug "what about.....park minjun?" Jungkook nods "yeah....I like that" I kiss his head and then look at minjun and smile more.

The midwife smiles "he's going to have to go in an incubator with some special lights that will help his skin go normal and he will be fed with a feeding tube" I nod, she takes minjun from Jungkook and puts him where he needs to be and then moves it to the side of Jungkooks bed and then turns the lights on

The midwife smiles "he's going to have to go in an incubator with some special lights that will help his skin go normal and he will be fed with a feeding tube" I nod, she takes minjun from Jungkook and puts him where he needs to be and then moves ...

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Jungkook winces a little "m-my stomach really hurts" the midwife nods "that's probably the stitches, they will stop hurting soon okay? Do you want something to ease the pain?" Jungkook nods.

The Midwife nods and walks away. I hesitate but lift up His shirt to see a large wound on his lower stomach and stitches on it. He puts his hand on top of mine "it's fine....don't worry...."

The midwife comes back and gives jungkook something to ease the pain. I look at her "sorry but why did he come this early? This may be a stupid question" she shakes her head "not at all...when that woman came in it stressed jungkook out and made his wound from the bullet open again, it seems that she had touched his stomach and made Jungkook be in pain, sadly all the stress and everything that's happened we needed to deliver the baby or he might have had a stillbirth"

I nod "I see......is minjun going to be okay?" She nods "yes, so far he's fine it's just if his body reacts to the lights or not, we will do everything we can to help him grow up strong" I nod "thank you" she smiles and walks away.
Jungkook looks at me "I'm sorry..."

I tilt my head "why are you sorry?" He looks down "because there is a chance our baby might not survive....I was stupid and trusted what Irene said....I'm so stupid" I shake my head "no no baby don't say that....none of this is your fault.....minjun will be fine I promise okay? You did everything you could to be strong and you did amazing, none of this is your fault okay?"

He looks at me and then looks away. I kiss his head "I love you so much jungkook" he smiles "I love you too...."

I have a son..........I'm so Happy.....but so confused at the same time......
I can't physically contain my happiness....

Park minjun.....welcome to the world....

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