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Jungkooks pov

It's been a whole year since I've been away.....and I honestly think they're doing amazing without me there.....they're still dancing and singing.... giving every performance everything they have.... they're amazing....and they're on tour right now...
I watch the concerts live, my manager facetimes me during the concerts and a camera man holds the phone as well as the camera so I can see everything army can.

I sit watching the concert when jimin steps forward after their speeches "I wanna sing something!.....will you all listen?" Army cheer and i smile, he takes a deep breath "this is a cover of a song that I've been working on for ages.....I hope you like it!"
The music starts and everyone goes silent and he starts to sing

Tears roll down my cheeks.
Army's gasp when jimin breaks down crying. He falls to his knees and cries

My eyes widen when he cries and says "You haven't come back to me

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My eyes widen when he cries and says "You haven't come back to me....you said you would....it's been a year...."
The other members also have tears rolling down their cheeks.
Yoongi takes a deep breath "today's concert marks one year without our maknae..." Tears roll down his cheeks

" Tears roll down his cheeks

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"We miss him so much...."
An army yells "YOU'RE BETTER AS A SIX!!!!"
I look at all six members to see them all crying. Jin steps forward and shakes his head "no....you're wrong.....all of you misunderstood the whole situation with jungkook and jimin....and you decided to place the blame on Jungkook.....it's not nice...."

Namjoon nods "you either Stan all SEVEN of us....or just don't stan any of us...." Hoseok joins in and nods "bts is a seven member group..... jungkook is the face of the group.....he brought us together....If it wasn't for jungkook we wouldn't be here today....."

Taehyung takes a deep breath "we're going to have a quick break so we can all calm down.... we're sorry....please understand"
Tears roll down my cheeks when all the stage lights go off.

I smile a little when the fans start to chant "WE LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK!!!"
I wipe my tears but they keep falling.
I end up hanging up since I can't bear to watch anymore
My father puts his hand on my shoulder, I look at him and he holds up a.






plane ticket

I tilt my head "you bought me a plane ticket?" He nods "they need you jungkook and you need them.....you'll be at the concert in Japan....then your manager will sort everything else out.....go back to them jungkook...." I sigh "but Appa the fans-" he shrugs "so what? As long as the band Is happy then it doesn't matter what the fans think jungkook.....you're obviously wanted in the band..... you're loved and needed in the band jungkook..... don't push that away"

He chuckles "your flight is this evening....get packing son....me and your mother will drive you to the airport" I smile and stand up hugging him "thank you Appa...." He hugs back and kisses my head "you deserve to be happy son"
He then walks out and I pack my things.



In Japan

I get off the plane and then look around and smile seeing bodyguards surrounding me. It feels weird being like this again.
It was hard Saying goodbye to my parents again.... but they said they'd facetime every week and I'll visit them a lot

We reach a car and I get in and the driver looks at me "lovely to see you again jeon jungkook...." I giggle "nice to see you too Dan....it's been awhile" he chuckles and starts to drive "I'll be taking you straight to the stadium...your manager has set it all up so he will announce there is a guest.... obviously it'll be you walking out and you'll suprise everyone alright?"

I sigh "I don't know.....I honestly think they're doing amazing on their own without me"
Dan scoffs "sorry but did you see the concert yesterday??....they all broke down on stage because they missed you"

I shrug "but I'm just worried....the fans didn't want me there....so maybe I should just stay away" Dan shakes his head "don't think like that jungkook.... you'll be fine.....everyone wants you back...."

We stop at the stadium and I get out being protected by bodyguards, none of the fans are able to see who I actually am because I have a mask on and my face is also covered by my hat.

We arrive inside and I walk straight to my manager avoiding all the other members....
It feels weird being back......
I don't know if this is a good idea.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now