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Jungkooks pov

Namjoon sighs "okay...Jin...want to start?" Jin nods "indeed.....








There are a few things we need to talk about....one of them is no more alcohol in the house... because that just causes problems and drama....and the other is.....jimin and jungkook....what is going on between you two?" I scoff "nothing....what do you mean?" Namjoon sighs "you've been clinging to one another lately"

I nod "uh hu....and taehyung hasn't? What bullshit is this...don't pin everything on me!" Jin sighs "jungkook calm down....we just had one question....are you two together?" I shake my head not even letting jimin speak "no! Of course not! He's fucking taehyung!"

Hoseok gasps "w-wait what?" I huff and stand up "I'm done with this talk...." I start to walk away when Jin grabs my hand "no jungkook we need to talk about all of this....this is damaging the band" I nod "of course.... because bts is more important than my feelings... because I'm an idol I shouldn't be sad"

Namjoon shakes his head "that's not what we're saying... we're saying that we need to sort out problems out by talking to one another....please jungkook"
I sigh "fine...." I sit down on yoongis lap not wanting to sit in between jimin and Tae anymore.

Hoseok looks at taehyung "are you and jimin really together?" Taehyung shrugs "I guess?....look....we got drunk and we made mistakes....I kissed him first to try and get over you and yoongi....it was a mistake....but now....I think I've fallen for him....we were best friends....no...soulmates before and I think it'll work out"
Jimin stays silent and looks down.

I roll my eyes and look at namjoon starting to get pissed off now

I roll my eyes and look at namjoon starting to get pissed off now

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"Rap Mon....this is a stupid talk to have....why don't we just ignore what's happening....if they're fucking then they're fucking...nobody gives a shit....as long as it doesn't go public it doesn't matter....same with yours and mine relationship and yoongi and Hoseok....so let's just ignore everything and be the happy bts army's like....we can have the drama behind closed doors! I don't want army to worry about us!"

I stand up grabbing a coffee from the kitchen side. Taehyung looks at me "kook are you okay?" I nod "yep...peachy" he looks down a little "have I done something wrong?", I shake my head "not just you.... apparently in this group...friendship is pointless.... And every promise we make.....will just get broken in the end......I'm gonna go play overwatch and finish writing the music for my new song...."

Hoseok looks at me "can I come?" I nod "sure...." He stands up and we both walk to my room leaving the others in silence.
I close the door behind us and Hoseok sits on my bed and sighs "can we talk....just us?" I nod "sure....you're probably the only person who won't piss me off today"

I sit down on my bed next to him and put my coffee down. He turns to me "why does love hurt so much?" My breath hitches....how do I answer this when I dont even know...
I look down and shrug "I don't know....I was thinking the same question last night..." He tilts his head "you still like jimin right?"

I sigh "sadly...." I hesitate but then pull the box of all mine and jimins memories out from under my bed "I was looking through this....and everything I wrote down to do with how I felt....I feel the same now and I don't know what to do....I went to yoongi for help and then that's when we found out Tae and jimin were together....I didn't think it would hurt....but it does and now I'm angry...I'm so pissed off... taehyung knew I loved jimin and now he's done this....so much for being my friend...."

Hoseok sighs "me and Yoongi were talking yesterday and we planned to talk to taehyung today....but I guess we were too late....we both miss taehyung in our relationship....but.... we're too late" I nod and then chuck the box back under my bed "but at least you have one another..."

I sit next to him and he looks at me "you still have me and Yoongi....and namjoon and Jin....it doesn't matter if jimin and taehyung are together....you still have all your frie-"
There is a knock on the door followed by jimins voice "jungkook can we talk?"

I look at hoseok who nods and then shouts "SORRY JIMIN HE....HE JUMPED OUT THE WINDOW!"
I facepalm and mumble "for fuck sake..."I hear jimin gasp "WHAT?! IS HE OKAY?!"
Hoseok looks at me starting to panic. i nod.

Hoseok nods "YES HE'S FINE! HE UH....HE  IS SAT ON THE TOILET?!" I sigh and flop back on my bed.jimin chuckles "but you just said he jumped out the window?,....hoseok what's going on in there?"
I get fed up and stand up walking to the door and opening it "I simply don't want to talk....so good day jimin",

I close the door in his face. I hear him huff "taehyung is recording a cover....I just thought you'd like to know" I roll my eyes "he is his own fucking person he can do whatever he wants I don't give a shit....go tell rap Mon..." I hear him sigh and walk away.

Hoseok giggles "have you ever told jimin that you loved him?" I shake my head "no....but it's pretty obvious..." I gasp when I hear Jin scream.
I run out my room with hoseok to the kitchen where I see Jin stood in the kitchen with his arms crossed. The others all run out.

I look around "what happened?" Jin points to the table "SIT.NOW!"
We all gulp and sit down. Jin turns to look at all of us "I'm sick of bearing doors being slammed, you all yelling. you all need to talk to each other!! So I made food..and we are all going to sit like a family and TALK"

He puts plates of food on the table. We all stay silent starting to eat.
Taehyung sighs breaking the silence "I just finished recording a cover....wanna hear it?" I shake my head "no not really..." He looks at me "what the fuck have I done to you?"
I tilt my head "what HAVENT you done to me Tae?....you stole my best friend....and now- y'know what.... whatever....let's hear the song...."

I'm fed up with trying to argue with them all....plus I guess it not really taehyungs fault....I should be pissed with jimin....not him.....
I need to stop being a drama queen....

Taehyung pulls out his phone "I'll play it for you all" I roll my eyes and the others all nod

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