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Jungkooks pov

I smile watching Hana talking to minjun while minjun is led in the incubator. I lean my head back and close my eyes and smile a little more. I jump a little when someone puts their hand on my lower stomach, I open my eyes to see jimin sat next to me

I move so I'm resting with my head on his shoulder, he kisses my head "you're so strong baby" I giggle "I had to be....it was our baby I had to fight for....if it wasn't for the baby, hana and you I probably wouldn't have fought as much as I did"

He wraps his arm around me "you're going to be an amazing mother" I close my eyes again and yawn a little. He rubs my stomach "get some rest, I'll look after the kids okay?" I nod and then slowly fall asleep.

Jimins pov

I look at Jungkook who sleeps peacefully.....he's been through so much and he's still so strong.......he really deserves everything and more....he's going to be an amazing mother

I just hope things get easier for him from now on......so far the fans have been very supportive of him....but he's even thinking about leaving the band to be a full-time parent......it won't be bts without jungkook.....but I understand why he wants to....he's scared and worried.

All we can hope for now is that minjun grows up strong and that jungkook doesn't leave the band and everyone can be happy again.....

Hana looks at me "Appa?" I nod "yes baby?" She looks at jungkook and sighs "does my actual eomma love me?", I tilt my head "you're actual eomma?....Kookie is your eomma baby" she crawls onto my lap "but Kookie didn't have me when I was a baby"

I kiss her head and smile "that doesn't mean he isn't your eomma.....your eomma that gave birth to you wasn't a nice person so I found you a better eomma....someone who will care and love you the exactly the same as he'll love and care for minjun....why has this suddenly come up princess?"

She looks down "you have a new baby....I thought I wasn't needed anymore Appa... you'll forget about me" I gasp a little when jungkook suddenly speaks "you're always needed baby girl.....you're a big big part of why I'm still here okay? We will never ever stop loving you" his eyes open a little and he smiles

"My beautiful baby girl...." He kisses her head and then opens his eyes fully again.hana hugs him tightly "I love you eomma" jungkook hugs back "I love you too Hana, never think that we'll forget about you.....you are always on our minds okay baby?" She nods "okay eomma..."

I wrap my arms around the both of them and then jungkook takes minjun out the incubator and we have a family cuddle for awhile...
A family cuddle......that feels nice to say.....I finally have the family I want.....the family i need....and obviously bts are our family as well....but now I have my own family and I'm so so happy

I couldn't ask for anything more..........well that's a lie.....I need to marry jungkook.....and then I won't need anything more.....

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