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One week later

Jungkooks pov

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!!!!!!!" I yell.

The other members run to me quickly "what's wrong?!" Jimin runs to me and grabs my face checking if I'm hurt and then me checks my body, I push him away "stop I'm not hurt....what the fuck is this??" I turn my phone to him

((A/N: don't mind the fact that it's literally midnight now when I'm writing this😂)

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((A/N: don't mind the fact that it's literally midnight now when I'm writing this😂)

Jimin tilts his head "hold up..... you're pregnant?" I glare at him "NO IM NOT FUCKING PREGNANT JIMIN YOUR PSYCHO EX-WIFE IS LYING!!!" He holds his hands up "whoa whoa alright calm down....just message and ask why!" I roll my eyes and message her...

just message and ask why!" I roll my eyes and message her

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I chuck my phone at the wall and storm out the room. Jin gasps "whoa where are you going?" I look at him "to kill Irene!!!" I walk to the front door. Yoongi chuckles and pulls me back "kook no, we don't want even worse rumours going around....just calm down"

I take a deep breath. Namjoons phone rings, he sighs and answers "hello?...............oh...........well he isn't.......it was a lie.................but he can't do that" he sighs and puts the phone down "it was manager...."

I sigh "what did he say?" He shrugs "not much...he just asked if it was true or not and said you'll have to tell the fans" I sit on the floor and huff "fucking bitch deserves to die.....I don't deserve this...."

I gasp when the door flies open "AM I REALLY GONNA BE A BIG SISTER?!" I gasp when Hana jumps on me smiling widely "I want a baby sister! We will play dress up and we will make cakes with eomma! Is the baby in your tummy?"

I blush when she lifts my shirt up and leans down a little and kisses my stomach "I can't wait to meet you baby sister....or baby brother.....but I hope sister......boys are gross!"
I look up at the others to see them all looking away awkwardly.

I sigh and look at Hana "baby-" she looks at me "I'm so happy! Thank you eomma! I can't wait to meet them!!! I'll be the bestest big sister ever!! Right eomma?" I look down "Hana-" she giggles "grandma is taking me shopping and we're gonna look at baby clothes!!! We'll bring you chocolate home eomma! Love you!!"

I go to speak but she runs out to jimins mother. I pull my shirt back down and groan "for fucks sake!!!!"
Jimin sighs "I'm sure it won't be that bad.... we'll just explain there is no baby it's just lies" I nod "right....I don't know if that will work but alright"

A month later

I grip my bag tightly, we are currently at the airport waiting for our flight for our next concert, over this last month people have non-stop been asking about the 'baby' and telling me what I should and shouldn't do....we tried explaining there is no baby but nobody would listen.

The hyungs get asked how they feel about becoming uncles and Hana gets asked how she feels about becoming a big sister......it just won't stop!

One news reporter tries to get past security which makes them bump into me and accidentally elbow my stomach, I groan "ow!" They both freeze in place.
I hold my stomach "you elbowed my stomach!"

Jimin gasps "baby are you alright?" I nod "I'm fi-"
"CALL AN AMBULANCE THE BABY NEEDS TO BE CHECKED!!" I Huff "there is still no baby in my stomach.....they just elbowed me because they were pushing.."

Our plane is called and we all get onto the plane. I sit by the window next to jimin and groan "I honestly want Irene to rot in hell for this....this has made my life a living hell.....all people talk about is the fake baby that Irene made up..."

Jimin sighs and puts his hand on my thigh "I know it sucks baby....I know it does.....it will blow over soon.... hopefully" I sigh "I hope so....I can't cope with hearing 'hows the baby?' 'wheres your baby bump?' twenty four fucking seven"

He chuckles "it'll be alright in the end....karma will get Irene...." I sigh and pull my phone out and roll my eyes seeing more news articles about the supposed 'baby' I'm having.....
This is getting ridiculous now...

SOME army's don't believe Irene and are trying to tell others that there is no baby, and I'm glad SOME people have brains in this world.....I know a lot of fans WANT me and Jimin to have a baby together....but he has Hana....he doesn't need anymore kids....plus I'm not sure if I could cope with kids.....

Irene really has made my life a living hell this time......she went too far and I'm getting pissed off now....

((A/N: it's now currently 1am....am I gonna sleep?....fuck no 😂))

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