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A few hours later

Jungkooks pov

Hana walks to me and climbs into my bed looking at me "eomma" I look at her "Hana" she looks down "are you-" I pull the hoodie up to show my bump to her. She gasps "yay!!!!!"
I gasp when she hugs me tightly. I hug back "you're happy?" She giggles and nods quickly "I'm gonna go as grandma to go shopping!",

I giggle and kiss her head "don't forget your coat baby" she smiles and then kisses my stomach "I'll buy you loads and loads of things! Im going to be a big sister!!!" I smile and then she skips out of the room..

I grab my phone and then stand up in the mirror and take a photo of my bump and then tell everyone

((A/N: ignore that it's almost 2am and I'm still awake 😂 this is the reason my fanfics suck, cause theyre written at stupid times in the mornings))

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((A/N: ignore that it's almost 2am and I'm still awake 😂 this is the reason my fanfics suck, cause theyre written at stupid times in the mornings))

I giggle when I get non-stop notifications. I read through some comments on the post and smile

*Jikooksloveisforever commented:
That's amazing!!! We love you both!!! Congratulations!!!

*Namjoonsthighs commented

*Jungkookiexjiminie commented

*Worldwide.handsome.faceu commented
Congratulations both of you!!! We're so happy for you both!!!

I continue to read the comments and smile at them, most of them seem to be positive.....
Until I reach further down...my eyes widen and I put my hand on my stomach

*Jimins.wife commented
That's disgusting! You are a disgusting person and when you go back on tour I will shoot not only you but your child as well. Just kill yourself and make it easier for us.

*Jiminies.baby commented
Ew you should get rid of it! It deserves a better mother than you! I'll make sure that baby dies! You dont deserve a family!!! Slit your wrists bitch!

*Jungkook.sucks commented
Faggot you should just end it all and make us happy, nobody actually cares about you, your parents probably chucked you out on the streets because you're a disappointment....jimin deserves better than you! Go kill yourself and save us a job.

I drop my phone reading another comment


*Bunny.bitch commented
When you go on stage to preform your solo song I'll be in the first row with a gun and inside is a bullet with your name on it and I'll make sure to kill the baby as well....jimin should have just left you for Irene and had a nice life with his beautiful daughter and wife...but instead he chose a pathetic little gay bitch....you're disgusting jungkook....I will kill everyone and everything you love....fuck you 🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏿


I cover my mouth and then tear up.
Jimin walks into the room "hey baby the hyungs are- whoa what's wrong?!?!" He runs to me and crouches down in front of me.
I point at the phone, he tilts his head and picks it up and his eyes widen "oh my poor baby...."

I wrap my arms around his neck "i-im scared....i-i don't want our baby to die" jimin rubs my back "hey hey hey calm down....as long as I'm here neither of you will get hurt....it's going to be okay....they aren't real fans....it's going to be alright"

I let my tears fall "i-im so scared..." he kisses my head "I know baby.....I know" he lays down on the bed with me on his chest stroking my hair "get some rest baby....it's going to be alright....I love you and I'll protect you" tears roll down my cheeks and I grip his shirt "o-o-okay....I love you too" I yawn a little and slowly start to fall asleep.

Jimins pov

HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT TO HIM! me and jungkook are people too! We have feelings too! And we are allowed to have a fucking family together....I can't believe 'fans' are threatening to kill him and our baby....those sick fucks aren't our fans

Our fans are the ones that are happy for us...yes we understand that some may be upset that we've both started to settle down but we don't expect them to start threatening my family!

I'll have a talk with all army at our next concert because I do not want my beautiful angel to feel frightened to be in BTS and up on stage where he whines brightest.
I won't allow it.

He shouldn't feel scared......this is breaking my heart to see..... jungkook is scared....and it not only hurts him but it hurts me to see him like this.....

Those "fans" can go fuck themselves...I know I shouldn't say that but they've gone too far....they've threatend to kill my family....they've threatend to bring a gun to a concert....
You can call me a bad idol for being pissed at some of our fans but I have a fucking good reason to be pissed off...

I need to tell our manager though so we can get more security at the concert and when we travel....I don't want my babies hurt....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now