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Jungkooks pov

I change my outfit and look in the mirror

I grab my phone to see a message from Baekhyun--------Baekhyun 💜I'm outside, don't keep me waiting cutie~-----------

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I grab my phone to see a message from Baekhyun
Baekhyun 💜
I'm outside, don't keep me waiting cutie~

I sigh and look at the photo of me and Jimin again and then pick it up and put it face down.
I grab my small bag and walk out the house locking the door.
I turn around and my breath hitches when Baekhyun is stood in front of me.

He smirks "you look amazing!", I gulp "I uh....thanks...where are we going?" He shrugs and grabs my hand "maybe get dinner then a nice long stroll along the beach and then maybe....my house?"

I shake my head "I'll accept the dinner and the beach walk...but I don't feel comfortable with-" he pulls me away from my house and to his car not letting me finish my sentence.

He opens the door for me. I climb in and gasp when he puts my seatbelt on for me and then closes the door and climbs in the driver side.
I look at him "Baekhyun...I can do things myself you know?" He nods "I know I'm just being a gentleman",

I nod "okay...."
He starts to drive. I look down at my phone that I was holding at my lockscreen which was a photo of jimin

 I look down at my phone that I was holding at my lockscreen which was a photo of jimin

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Baekhyun huffs "jungkook...I know he's your best friend but can you focus on our date and not him??",
I put my phone in my bag and nod "sorry it's just he came to see me earlier and said something that has confused me a little"

Baekhyun tilts his head "what did he say?" I smile a little "that he loves me...that he's sorry" Baekhyun nods "do you....do you love him as well?",
I shrug "I....I don't know exactly" he sighs "I see..."

I put my hand on top of his "we can still go on this date Baekhyun....this doesn't change anything....i agreed to go on a date with you so that must mean Something right?", He stops the car and looks at me "youre still in love with jimin so why did you agree?"

I look at him and sigh "because I thought that maybe it was just a phase...that maybe my feelings for him would fade away....I'm so sorry Baekhyun..." I tear up a little.
He puts a hand on mine and sighs "let's just....go on a date and see what happens?" I nod "sounds nice...",

We both nod and then turn back to the front and Baekhyun starts to drive again. I take a deep breath and calm down a little.

We arrive at a restaurant. My eyes widen "Baekhyun....i....I can't eat here..." He tilts his head "what? Why not?" I shake my head "no no no...I just can't....we need to go!" I stare at the restaurant and my breathing gets heavier.

Baekhyun gasps "whoa jungkook calm down! It's just a restaurant what's wrong?" I take my seatbelt off and get out the car and shake my head "no no no no no" I start to walk quickly away from the restaurant.

Tears roll down my cheeks....I can't eat at that restaurant.....no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
I hear a car horn and I look up seeing a car coming towards me. I hear Baekhyun yell "JUNGKOOK!!WATCH OUT!!" .









And the next thing I know... everything is black.

Baekhyuns pov

I climb out the car and follow jungkook...what's wrong with the restaurant.
I gasp when suddenly a red car drives towards him fast, obviously going over the speed limit.
My eyes widen when the car hits him.

The car stops and so do the cars behind them. I run to them and gasp "no no no... SOMEONE RING AN AMBULANCE!" the driver nods and pulls his phone out.
I kneel next to jungkook and rest his lead on my thighs "no no come on jungkook....I'm sorry....I didn't know....open your eyes!"

A few minutes later I hear sirens. There was blood everywhere....the car hit him hard....
This is all my fault....I should call jimin....

The paramedics rush over. I stand up and pull my phone out and call Jimin. He answers "Baekhyun?",
Tears start to roll down my cheeks "jimin....it's jungkook-" he gasps "what happened?!"
I start to cry "h-he got hit by a car....I took him to a restaurant and then he started panicking and ran....the car beeped....but they couldn't slow down in time"

I feel jimins anger through the phone. He growls "what hospital is he going to?" I look at the paramedics and then gulp "Severance Hospital"
"Then I shall meet you there and you better explain everything that's happened or I will personally run YOU over with a truck... understand me?"

I nod "y-yes" he hangs up.
I get into the ambulance with jungkook and the paramedics.
Jungkook looks lifeless....I feel so bad....I should have asked which restaurant....
I just hope he doesn't hate me after this....

Jimins pov

"Park jimin where are you going?! Your sister is here!" My father yells. I glare at him "my best friend just got hit by a fucking car so step back and let me go" I walk out the house and walk to the hospital quickly.

I know it wasn't Baekhyuns fault and I'm not mad and jungkook won't be either....i could lose my best friend.....I can't do that....I can't live without him....be needs to wake up....

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