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Jungkooks pov

I smile a little watching jimin dancing with Hana, Hana was stood on jimins shoes and jimin moved to the music and they danced together.

I look down and then gasp when Baekhyun sits down next to me "you alright?" I look at him and nod "yeah I'm just thinking about something" he tilts his head "about what?", I shake my head "it's nothing....don't worry" he sighs "what is jimins problem with me today?", I tilt my head "what?"

I look up at jimin to see him looking over at us

I look up at jimin to see him looking over at us

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"Maybe he's angry with you? I dunno...." Baekhyun rolls his eyes and puts his hand on my thigh "I know you like him kook", I sigh and push his hand away "I'm pretty sure everyone knows that"

He sighs "you gotta tell him" I shake my head "I know I should.......I was thinking now-oh...he's gone...." Baekhyun looks up "what? Where'd he go?" I shrug.

I stand up and walk over to Jin who was now dancing with Hana "hey where did jimin go?" He sighs "outside to smoke" I nod and walk outside..

I'm gonna a tell him!
I'm going to confess to jimin that I love him!

I hope this goes well.




























((A/N: sorry it's really short, something's happened in my home and I need a small break......I won't be gone long.....a proper update tomorrow though! I promise!.....well I mean....today?....it's 1am....so later! I will update...
Im sorry again, love u all
Please don't be mad 💜💜💜💜))

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