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Their next concert

Jimins pov

Jungkook hugs me tightly "I don't want to go out jimin" I look at him to see tears rolling down his cheeks.
I sigh and wipe his tears "baby... nothing is going to happen....I'll be right with you the whole time"

He looks down "but they said they'll shoot me! I'm so scared....I don't want to die!" He hugs me tighter.i hug back and kiss his head "it'll be alright baby....just stay behind me okay?" He nods

I help him out his mic on and I put mine on and then Jin walks to us "you two alright?" I look at him and nod "jungkook is just worried"
Jungkook looks at Jin "hyung you're in the same outfit as me..." I smile "we all are baby" he looks at me and then at the others who walk over and tilts his head.
We are all in blue ripped jeans and a love yourself white shirt and some sunglasses each.

Namjoon smiles "it was jin's idea... were all dressed like you and if someone was gonna shoot you they'd do it when the lights went off...and they won't be able to tell if we're all wearing the same outfit" jungkook smiles "thank you guys....I love you all" we all hug him and then taehyung chuckles and gives him a piggie back and the lights go off in the stadium and we walk out

We continue to preform some songs and then gets the part of our solo songs. Jungkook looks at me and we walk off stage and namjoon starts first

Then Hoseok

Then taehyung

Then yoongi

Then Jin

I look at Jungkook since it's my turn and kiss his head "it'll be alright... we'll be here okay? I'll be back", he nods and smiles. I then walk on stage and preform

I walk off stage and see jungkook scared to go on. I walk to him and kiss his head "you're okay....it's going to be alright....were all stood with you at the side of the stage...it's going to be fine", he nods and walks out on stage

He stops singing and smiles. I gasp when Jin shoves me out the way and runs on to stage. I fall and close my eyes when I hit the floor and hear army's scream


Army's scream and I open my eyes and gasp "no.....



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