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Jungkooks pov

I groan hearing a knock on my door.
I stand up and walk to the front door and open it "what?",
I tilt my head "taehyung? Why are you here?"
He Huff's "I came to pick you up for prom...go get dressed"

I huff, he was in a suit and looked really intimidating

I sigh and walk to my room and walk to my wardrobe and pull out a suit

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I sigh and walk to my room and walk to my wardrobe and pull out a suit. Taehyung gasps "no no no no Kookie.... jin-hyung said you should wear the dress your eomma got you"

I huff "but hyung...my arms-"
He nods "I'll give you my jacket...."
I sigh and nod "okay....go to the lounge, I'll be out in a few seconds", he nods and walks out.

I pull the dress out of my wardrobe that my eomma had gotten me for special occasions....as much as I love to wear dresses and skirts....this dress is a bit too much for me.....

I huff and put the dress on

I ruffle my hair and then taehyung walks in "kook are you do- wow

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I ruffle my hair and then taehyung walks in "kook are you do- wow..." I look at him and blush "I'm wearing converse under this though...." Taehyung nods "nobody will see your shoes anyway"

I huff and put some black converse on. Taehyung sighs "your arms aren't that visible" I sigh "can I still have your jacket?" He nods and hands it to me. I put it on and smile "thanks...."

He grabs my hand and pulls me out to a car. He pushes me into the front seat "taehyung lock my door!" He Huff's and then walks and locks my front door and then walks back and gets into the drivers seat and starts to drive.

He looks at me "I can't believe you actually came with no fight..." I sigh "well I know that If I say no to you, you will never leave me alone....so what's the point" he chuckles and continues to drive.....this is gonna be terrible..

"alright bitch, get out we're here"
I look out the window, were at our school and I see people from my classes all dancing around,taking selfies and drinking.
I huff and get out the car. Taehyung walks to me "our friends are by the cherry blossoms"

I nod "oh okay..."
We both walk over. I gasp a little when everyone stops dancing and looks at me. I blush and look around.

Jimins pov

"Yeah I know! And then the goal before half ti-" I turn my head a little and see jungkook walking to the cherry blossoms looking gorgeous....he smiles and looks down....awe he's embarrassed

I begin to walk to him but Irene grabs my hand and pulls me to her "hey baby, come and meet-"I shake my head "uh

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I begin to walk to him but Irene grabs my hand and pulls me to her "hey baby, come and meet-"
I shake my head "uh...my friends want me.."
I get out her grip and walk to jungkook
"You came?"

He gasps and looks up "uh yeah....forced by taehyung..." I smile "you look...... Amazing..."
Irene scoffs and walks over "he shouldn't be wearing a dress! It makes him look even uglier!"
Jungkook rolls his eyes "bitch I'm ugly anyways...shut up"

Irene tilts her head "wait....you agree that you're ugly?", Jungkook nods "have a good night fucking your boyfriend" he turns away. I look at Irene "he looks amazing! What's wrong with you?!"
She scoffs "no he doesn't! Plus he stole my dress idea!"
I roll my eyes "whatever...I'm going to hang out with my friends....I'll come and find you when they announce prom king and queen" she kisses my cheek.

I walk over to my friends that were all under the cherry blossoms. I sigh and look at Jungkook "sorry about that kook...she's being a bitch",
Jungkook shrugs "don't worry...I'm use to it.... you've been together for more than two years... I've gotten use to it",

I huff and then smirk when perfect by Ed Sheeran starts to play, I take my jacket off and glasses and Chuck them at Hoseok,I hold my hand out to him "let me make it up to you....may I have this dance" jungkook giggle and takes my hand "of course...even though we both know Irene is gonna blow a fuse if she sees" I shrug and we start to dance

((Jk in blue, JM in suit))

Once it ends we both laugh and face one another... we're inches apart.

Jungkooks pov

He's so close to me....I can feel his breath on my lips...
I blush and push him away a little "uh...that was fun" he nods "yeah..."
I jump when Irene suddenly appears and pulls jimin away from me "WHAT THE FUCK JIMIN?!"

Jimin looks at her "what? I was dancing with my best friend.... problem?"
She nods "yes!! I just saw you two kiss!!"
I raise my eyebrow "jimin we kissed? Why didn't you tell me? I would've given a fuck"
Jimin laughs a little.

Irene looks at me "we all know you like jimin! He-"
I cut her off

"so what?! Why is that ANY of your fucking business who I like and who I don't like!!! I don't fucking like you but you don't make that a big deal!!! So why don't you keep your bitchy comments to yourself and FUCK OFF! You're a bitch and everyone knows it! Everyday I have your boyfriend complaining to me about how horrible you are!! YOU FUCKING FORCED HIM TO FUCK YOU!! HOW SICK IN THE HEAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO THAT?!!!"

Everyone was now staring at us. Irene scoffs "I didn't force him" I tilt my head "you didn't?, So why did I have jimin crying on my shoulder,rope burn on his wrist from where you tied him up and hickeys all over his neck and chest....jimin specifically told me before...he doesn't want kids until he's at least 24....if you were a nice girlfriend you'd appreciate that and you would be happy that you have someone as Amazing as jimin in your life!!....you don't deserve him in your life....and one day he'll realize that.....it was a mistake coming to this shitty prom in the first place....have fun being a slut irene...but I'm warning you....you force jimin to do anything he doesn't want to....I will PERSONALLY kill you with my bare hands"

She stays silent. I look at jimin "have a nice night jimin...."
He sighs "you too jungkook....I'm sorry" I shake my head "don't jimin. Don't apologize for her mistakes....see you on Monday" he goes to say something but I walk away and start to walk home...I hear people laughing and clapping for me when I walk out.

I can't believe I just stood up to her like that.....
I don't feel bad....she deserved it.....I just wish jimin could open his eyes and realize that.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now