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Jungkooks pov

"I've put it off for to long....I want you to be mine jungkook....I know we're best friends but I've loved you for years....I know you probably don't want to date but....I just thought I should ask....please?" I gulp "jimin-.







I don't know.....there are so many restrictions against relationships....I don't know if we'll work" I look down.
He shakes his head "we will! We just have to fight together! We will be strong and it will make our love grow even more powerful....I have dreamt of this day....please say yes jungkook....I want to call you mine....be able to kiss you.....to be able to say I love you....."
I look at him "I uh.....




Okay.... we'll make it work"
He gasps "really? You'll go out with me? Be my boyfriend?" I giggle and nod "yes.....I will" I gasp when he picks me up and stands up spinning me around making me laugh.

I put my hands on his shoulders.he stops spinning and I wrap my legs around his waist and smile "I love you jimin" he smiles "I love you too jungkook....my Beautiful boyfriend"

I look at his lips and then back at his eyes. He chuckles "if you want to kiss me then kiss me~" I slowly lean closer to him.

((A/N: you're all gonna hate me)).













"-kook! Jungkook stop daydreaming!!!"

I gasp and shake my head and then look at Jin "what?" He chuckles "you were daydreaming while staring at jimin..." I tilt my head "that was a dream??? But it was so real.....that doesn't make any sense"

Namjoon tilts his head "what's wrong Kookie?" I look at him "it's just.... something happened in my dream....it felt so real....like it actually happened.....but I guess not.....what were we talking about?"

Hoseok giggles "about our next comeback" I nod "I see....one more question though.....are jimin and taehyung together?"
Jimin shakes his head "no??..... taehyung is with hoseok and Yoongi again...."

I nod "I see....uh carry on then" I look down.....
What the fuck.....
It was all a dream???.....
But felt so real.....

I look up at jimin and then stand up grabbing his chin making him gasp.
The others all look at me.
I sigh "it was all a dream....." Jimin tilts his head "what?" I sit back down letting jimin go "nothing.... nothing...."

Taehyung sighs "something is wrong jungkook" I look down "fine....in my daydream I confessed my feelings to someone and they confessed back....and if felt so real...."
Jimin tilts his head "who was it?"
I look at him "uh.........that's not important"

Jin Huff's standing up banging the table with his fists "that's it!!I've had enough!!! Jimin and Jungkook it's getting to painful and annoying to watch and listen to now!!! You two love one another and now kiss and confess before I force the issue!!! I'm getting annoyed now"

My eyes widen "wait what?" Jimin looks at me "you like ME?" I tilt my head "and you like ME?"
Yoongi Huff's "yes you actual dumbasses....you love one another....now you can both talk after the talk....focus and no more daydreaming"
We both nod not making eye contact

I just dreamt about confessing to jimin....hmmm.....maybe this is my brain and heart telling me to man the fuck up and tell him?.....
My dream felt so real though.....
I just hope real life gets the same result....
There's also another bright side.....jimin isn't thinking about leaving the band....that's good....

I guess it's time to get my REAL feelings out....no backing out this time.....
It's now or never.....

I love park jimin.....

Jimins pov

I guess there is no backing out now....i have to tell Jungkook how I feel....
I had a dream about this last night....that I confessed and be confessed as well and then we both were together.....
It felt so real though.....I thought it was real.....until taehyung woke me up this morning.....

And it's a theory isn't it....if you see something in your dream that feels real....it might actually come to life??....no???.....I think that's probably something else I'm thinking of.....I'm just talking bullshit now.....

I just really really hope be loves me back.....
Maybe my dream could be my body telling me to grow some balls and tell jungkook....
I'm so worried............
But it's now or never......

I love jeon jungkook.....

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