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Months later

Jungkooks pov

I stare at my phone reading all the hate I was getting....
Fans think I broke jimins heart....jimin is gaining more and more fans....while....I'm sat at the bottom.

We are currently sat at the MMA awards and fans are here to scream support.
I was sat next to jimin....which In my opinion wasn't a good idea.
My heart drops when I hear a fan scream "GET OUT THE WAY JUNGKOOK WE CAN'T SEE JIMIN OPPA!!"

I move forward and gasp a little when I end up on the floor in front of the couch we were on.
Jimin looks at me "jungkook?" I shake my head "the fans couldn't see you....I'm okay"

I look up at namjoon who sighs "jungkook-" I force a smile when a camera man walks to us and starts filming us.
I pretend to look for something so they wouldn't question why I was on the ground.

I pretend to pick something up. I then hesitate but sit back up next to jimin, my smile fades when fans start screaming for me to move.
I look at namjoon "I'm just going to the restroom"

Hoseok looks at me "they're announcing awards....what if we win?" I shrug and then stand up walking to the restroom for all the idols.
Luckily I was the only one here...

I close and lock the door and let my tears fall....why is all the blame put on me???....I didn't break jimins heart....its the rules!.....and now I'm getting so much hate!.....I don't know if I can cope.

I smile a little when I hear the MC say "and the winner is......... Bangtan sonyeondan" I look down "well done guys...."
I slide down the door with tears rolling down my cheeks.

3rd person

The band all walk on to the stage smiling and receive the best MV awards.
Taehyung holds the award while the other five members stand around him

Some fans start to question where the maknae is but others, don't even notice he's gone

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Some fans start to question where the maknae is but others, don't even notice he's gone.
Taehyung smiles and starts his speech.

Namjoon does a headcount of the members and then his eyes widen a little not seeing jungkook. He moves closer to Jin and whispers "where's jungkook?"
Jins eyes widen. Yoongi then whispers "he hasn't come back from the restroom"

Jimin starts to get worried about the maknae.
Taehyung finishes his speech and then Jin starts to talk.
Jimin looks around for jungkook but sighs when he can't see him.

Once Jin finishes speaking they all walk off stage while everyone claps for them. They all sit back in their seats.
Hoseok looks around "where did jungkook go?" The others shrug their shoulders.

As if on cue jungkook walks back and sits down the other side of the couch next to namjoon.
Namjoon looks at him "we just won-" jungkook inturrups and nods "I know....well done guys....you guys deserved it"
The other six members look at the youngest confused.

Jungkooks pov

After everything was over, the band got a few awards and we all clapped for other winners.
We are on the way back to the dorm now.
Yoongi sighs "jungkook what's wrong?.... everytime we won you would disappear to the restroom"

I shrug "I have a stomach ache hyung....it was a coincidence" jimin sighs "there's something else wrong...."
I look down "look....I don't know if I should continue"

Jin tilts his head "what?" I sigh "I don't know if I should continue in bts....the band is fine without me....I'm already getting death threats and hate because I broke jimins heart....bts is better as a six member group....a group constructed of rap monster,the god of destruction.... worldwide handsome Jin.... yoongi,lil meow Meow.... j-hope,sunshine.... jimin,mochi and a fairy and taehyung, the Gucci king.....you all are amazing singers and deserve to be a band together.....I'm not cut out for this....I'm sorry"

Namjoon grabs my hand "jungkook you brought us together!" I shake my head "no Joon....you would have all came together with or without me....it was desitiny for you all to become a band...."

I gasp when I see yoongi with tears rolling down his cheeks "jungkook please....I fucking hate seeing you like this...snap out of this!...we need you in the band"
The car stops outside our apartment.

I sigh "I'm going back to Busan to see my eomma and Appa...I have already spoken to manager....I don't know when I'll be back....carry on as you would....this is what the fans want"
I climb out the car and walk inside and all the others follow behind me.

I gasp when jimin grabs my hand "what happened to, Stan all seven members or you aren't a proper fan?.....if they don't like you then they aren't a real fan....you're the one who told me to ignore all the haters at the start....you're the reason I'm still in the band!"

I pull my hand out his grip and nod "I realized that I'm not wanted....the hate I received is endless....I'm sorry....but I'll talk to our manager.....I'm not sure I'm going to continue"
I walk into my bedroom and that's when my tears fall

Jimins pov

"This is my fault isn't it?" I look around at the others. Hoseok shakes his head "no it's not your fault....don't blame yourself chim....he just needs time alone....and he'll be back to normal in no time.... we'll be a band again..."
I look at Jungkooks bedroom door and sigh "I hope you're right.....I can't lose him"

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now