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💜!The big day!💜

Authors pov

Everyone was panicking, everyone was stressed and worried about today....army's were freaking out and as for bts?.....they were losing their shit....they're all hetic and running around like idiots (namjoon, minjun, taehyung and yoongi were with jimin and Jin, Hana and Hoseok were with jungkook)

The only calm-ish person on this day was minjung....everyone else was stressed and worried.
As everyone gets ready for the big day, eveeyone takes a deep breath and they all clam down.

With the groom they were all sat in a circle with jimin stressing about all the possible situations that could happen and the others trying to calm him down, whereas with the bride jungkook was getting ready for his big day....Jin and his mother were helping him get ready while hoseok helps Hana get ready.

Jimins POV

I take a deep breath "okay...this is going to be okay right? He won't say no...he loves me"  yoongi nods "yes now stop being a pussy and get ready!" I nod and then get changed into my suit and I then look in the mirror and sigh "is my hair okay?" Namjoon nods "it's fine jimin calm down"

I look down "what if- ow!" Yoongi slaps the back of my head "jimin shut up! You're finally getting married! Stop thinking about all the bad shit that could happen! Think about all the things you're gonna do together! All the memories you're gonna ...

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I look down "what if- ow!" Yoongi slaps the back of my head "jimin shut up! You're finally getting married! Stop thinking about all the bad shit that could happen! Think about all the things you're gonna do together! All the memories you're gonna make!" I nod "yeah....you're right...."

He nods "yeah normally I am it's you assholes that don't listen to me" I huff and then look at everyone else in the room. Taehyung smiles "today is the bug day chim" I nod "I can't wait to finally call jungkook my wife....well.... husband" my mother and father take care of minjun and we all make our way to the venue where army's also were.

((The venue is actually at a stadium so jikook will get married on the stage so army can see))
I stand on the stage with the vicar next to me and army all sat in their seats, namjoon, taehyung and yoongi sit down on chairs on the stage and so do my parents with minjun.....aish I so nervous!


I giggle a little helping Hana into her heels (not very tall heels but still heels) I stand up and then look in the mirror at my dress that my mother got for me for today....and it's beautiful and I love it....

((A/N:am I putting jungkook in a dress because I get messages from people telling me to stop making jungkook cross dress in my fanfics??......yeah I am.....it's my fanfic....if you don't like it....don't read if 💜💜))

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