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Timeskip again cause I'm a bad author 👌

Idk...like 5 years later???


Jungkooks pov

I huff and I sit down in my dance studio... I'm an idol now!! It's been years since I've seen or even spoken to jimin....the first year was horrible but then I got off my butt and worked hard! And now I'm famous!

Namjoon and yoongi are rappers, Jin is a model who also sings with me sometimes, taehyung is also a model but also sings. Hoseok is a dance teacher but also raps with namjoon and yoongi....and the rest of our groups??..... we're not sure..

We all kinda separated when jimin left...however the six of us are still together! We may not work together fully but we all work for the same company....

We are known worldwide! It's amazing!....well....apart from the hate we get from some people....but what we have to do is keep our heads up and listen to the millions of people who love and adore us!
It still hurts though....that jimin never once bothered to contact any of us...

Buy we've seen on the news that he's now the biggest CEO in the world....he's famous....he's been seen dancing and singing but is obviously known for his very successful company....
Hana is 9 now and is a beautiful young lady, helps her father and is top of her school....well....that's what the news says...

Hoseok walks over to me "jeon jungkook why are you sat on your butt?! Get up and do the routine again!" I groan "Hyung im tired...I'll do it later" hoseok crosses his arms "and I'm tried of your attitude but I cant push that aside to deal with it later....UP NOW!"

I groan "I regret ever Asking you to be my dance teacher...." He slaps the back of my head. I huff and then we go over the choreography again and again and again until I fall to my knees.

Hoseok gasps "kook!" He runs to me and kneels next to me "kook what happened?" I take deep breaths "sorry....let me stand up....we can continue"
I stand up but stumble and fall again.

Hoseok sighs "jungkook....have you been eating properly?" I shrug "depends how you explain properly...." He sighs again "get rest jungkook-"
I cut him off "no! I have a concert tomorrow! I can't let the people down!, I'll be okay!"

Hoseok goes to speak but I shake my head and stop him "I have the choreography down.... everything is ready right?" He nods "yeah.....but I'm sure your fans will understand if you-",
I shake my head "no Hobi! I won't let them down! I'll be fine"

I stand up and walk out the dance studio. My bodyguards gather round me and walk me out the studio. Fans scream and take photos.
I force a smile and wave at them. I get into a car and roll the window down and continue waving when we drive off.

Once we're far away I roll the window back up and my smile disappears. I lean my head back and close my eyes breathing heavily.
The driver looks at me through the mirror "jungkook are you okay?" I nod "I'm good"

We arrive at my home

It looks amazing right?

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It looks amazing right?.....wrong....it sucks living here....my manager bought it for me....
It's huge....and yet it feels so wrong... I'm alone inside....well....my hyungs normally stay....but it's still huge to just be my home.

I sigh and get out the car and walk inside closing the door behind me. I flop down on my couch and breath heavily....I'm in so much pain....but my fans shouldn't see....they should see the best side of me....I have a concert tomorrow....it needs to be great....

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
I then sit up "right! Time to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow" I stand up and rub my eyes. I then put my glasses on and start to look at different emails and letters about the concert.
I gasp and grab my phone and call namjoon who picks up immediately "hello kook?"

I smile "hey Joon....I was just curious...is everything ready for tomorrow?....nothing can go wrong...." He sighs "kook....Hobi told us how you are...we want to call the concert off" I gasp "and disappoint all my fans?? No! You can't!....look namjoon....you might be the leader of our "group" but you aren't my manager....I will be fine.....don't call me concert off...I feel fine....now answer my question please"

I hear yoongi In the background "yes everything is ready kook! It'll be amazing!!"  I smile "okay good! Night hyungs!" I hear multiple 'good nights' from everyone and then I hang up and look at my television...I guess I'll sleep for a little....

I sit on my couch and put a film on and then curl up in a ball and start to fall asleep immediately...
I can't let my fans down.....
I just can't! I need to fight through this....not think about anything that could distract me...

Jimins pov

I huff and sit down at my desk looking at a bunch of models "none of these inspire me....take them away jeez" they all walk out the room.
My assistant sighs "Mr park....thats all the models we have at the company....the only ones left are Kim seokjin and Kim taehyung but there not in the company building much they-"

My eyes widen "wait....Kim seokjin and Kim taehyung? They're models?.....here?" She nods "indeed sir....do you want me to bring them to you? I can go to Jungkooks concert to find them?....theyre close to the idol....I'm sure we could find them here"

I shake my head "no....I'll go..." She nods "yes sir....the concert is tomorrow night....will your daughter also be attending?" I nod "definitely....you may leave now" she nods and walks out.

I haven't spoken to any of them in years and suddenly I return and jungkook is a flipping idol?! And Jin and Tae are models?!.....I can't believe this....I should have contacted them....
I moved back two years ago....but I didn't contact any of them because I was worried they'd all be mad at me for leaving again....so I kept quiet....I haven't Hurd from Irene since though and we got the divorce....
Hana is in school and is top of her class....

But life just seems lonley.....and I don't know why.....

I'm excited to see my friends again....well....old friends.... especially jungkook! His singing voice is angelic!!

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