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Jungkooks pov

I gasp when Jin and namjoon burst into my bedroom, Jin picks me up over his shoulder and walks out the bedroom. I tilt my head not even fighting back.
He walks into the lounge and I try and look at who else is in the room.

I hear someone trying to run away but then a loud thud.jin puts me down and I hesitate and then turn around to see jimin led face first on the ground with taehyung, hoseok sat on his back. I giggle a little "how cute....can I go now?",

I start to walk away but namjoon grabs my arm "right! ALL OF YOU! COUCH NOW!" We all jump and all sit on the couch together, namjoon never raises his voice at us....

I huff a little when jimin sits next to me. Namjoon stands in front of us "right we need to talk" I roll my eyes "our last talk as a group didn't go well"he glares at me.i put my hands up on defence "sorry sorry"

Namjoon sighs "jimin...... jungkook-" jimin looks at me "we're in trouble" I nod "uh hu" we both look at namjoon who huffs "what the fuck is going on with you both?"
I tilt my head "what do you mean?" Jin groans "sort your shit out!! I'm sick of you both avoiding one another!"

I stand up "look jin-hyung....you ALL said focus on the band....the fans are the reason the band is to big right now meaning we have to focus on the fans....and the fans dont want me and Jimin together and that's fine! So if anything I'm just doing as you said!!"

Jimin rolls his eyes "the fans shouldn't control our lives jungkook! We are fucking human beings with our own feelings!" I look at him and nod "I know!! And I'm sorry okay!! I'm scared! And I'm nervous and- and....." Tears roll down my cheeks "and I'm sorry..."

They all gasp and stand up. Yoongi looks at me "whoa nobody is yelling at you jungkook, what's wrong??? Why are you scared?", I shake my head "i-i can't...." I look around at them all and shake my head again. I look at jimin and then step back breathing heavily and lose my balance a little "i-i can't! I-im sorry but-"

Taehyung gasps "whoa jungkook calm down!" Taehyung grabs my hands and helps me stand up properly. I look at him and more tears fall "I'm so fucking sorry!", Taehyungs eyes widen "why are you sorry?",

I look down and then look at jimin "you know when we....y'know....a few weeks ago????" He tilts his head "yeah that was while we were still together....why?" I nod a little and then look away and more tears fall.























"Irene was right...."
They all look at me confused. I pull my phone out and show them the post again

 I pull my phone out and show them the post again

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They all gasp "wait......






















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