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Jungkooks pov

"I uh.....

Okay....I'll stay in the band....but maybe I could have a week or two off?"
Jimin nods "definitely....we all need awhile off...." I nod and lean my head on his shoulder "jimin.....I love you so much" he kisses my head "I love you too baby....so so much"

We all sit down in the lounge and I sit on jimins lap. I lean my head on his chest and taehyung puts a film on. We all watch the film but I can't keep my eyes off jimin

 We all watch the film but I can't keep my eyes off jimin

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I hesitate and then kiss his jawline down his neck. He puts his hands on my waist and whispers "baby what are you doing?", I smile "nothing just giving you love" he chuckles a little and then turns to me and kisses my head "I've missed you baby"

I smile and then giggle when yoongi Huff's "if you're going to flirt please go into another room" I grab jimins hand and pull him to our bedroom (Hana had gone with jimins mother and minjun was in his room obviously) I close and lock the door.

He smirks "what's going on baby?" I giggle and then jump on him and kiss his right cheek and then his left cheek and then his forehead and then his nose "I'm giving you love!" He laughs a little "I should be the one giving you love"

I shake my head "no today is my day to give you love....", I kiss his cheek loads making him laugh, I gasp when he flips us over and my back hits the mattress.
He smirks "my turn!", I laugh when he kisses both my cheeks and then my head and then my nose multiple times over and over again.

I put my hands on his shoulders and he looks at me. I look up at him and smile tucking some hair behind his ear "you're so handsome.....I really don't deserve you" he smiles "you're so beautiful....you deserve the world jungkook and I'm going to get it for you" I put my hand on his cheek.

He smirks "so so beautiful" he leans down and kisses me, I kiss back deeply and wrap my arms around his neck.
My eyes widen when I fee tears fall on to my cheek. I pull away and see jimin crying. I gasp "whoa what's wrong?"

He looks down "what if one day someone hurts you again and I lose you....." I smile a little "you're crying because you don't want to lose me?", He nods and then lays his head onto my chest "I cant live without you baby"

I smile and play with his hair "stop crying....you won't lose me-" he cuts me off "you said that before you got shot and I then almost lost you.....I couldn't protect you and I'm so worried....what if Irene comes back or something and hurts you again..."

I giggle a little "it'll be okay baby....you won't ever lose me and I hope I'll never lose you"
He shakes his head "you will never lose me...not until the day we die" I wipe his tears "stop crying you big baby.... we're together forever now.... nothing is going to stop that....as long as we always love one another then it'll be okay...."

He nods and then kisses me deeply and I kiss back

I really hope what I just said it true.....I can't lose jimin or Hana or minjun.....I can't lose any of them.......I just hope nothing else goes wrong

Jimins pov

I'm going to propose to him....on stage....in front of everyone.......I have decided our next concert I will pop the big question....I'll get down on one knee.....

That is a good idea right????

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